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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    blight (n.)
    program; the things to be done / 안건, 의사일정
    a solemn agreement; a contract; a pledge / 계약, 서약, 맹약; 계약의 부대 조항, 날인 증서(계약)
    disease in plants; anything that injures or destroys / 식물의 질병; 해를 입히거나 파괴하는 것
    an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property. / 대화재, 화재
  • Q2
    levy (v.)
    to place at intervals; to scatter among / ...을 간격을 두고 배치하다; ...사이에 흩뿌리다.
    to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult / 계속하다
    to do something in an unprecedented way / 혁신하다
    to impose a tax, fee, or fine / 부과하다
  • Q3
    protégé (n.)
    greed, strong desire / 탐욕, 욕망
    the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain. / 날카로움, 통찰력
    a person under the care of someone interested in his welfare or career / 피보호자
    things that can be accomplished by something; state of having lots of utility / 기능; 기능의 많음
  • Q4
    self-serving (adj.)
    puzzled, confused, or amused in a detached way / 혼란스러운
    hardworking, thorough / 근면한
    interested only in yourself / 이기적인
    attractive or appealing in appearance or character. / 매력적인, 사랑스러운
  • Q5
    diatribe (n.)
    a person, thing, or situation that is annoying or that causes trouble or problems / 골칫거리
    bitter verbal attack / 비난, 격렬한 비판
    a polite behavior that shows respect for other people / 예의
    a passageway between rows of seats / 통로, 복도
  • Q6
    amorous (adj.)
    a native; restricted to a particular region or era; indigenous / 한 지방의 고유한, 풍토의, 풍토병의.
    showing the suppression of impulses or emotions / 억압받는
    showing love, particularly sexual / 연애의, 사랑의
    pure and unadorned; abstaining from sex / [육체적으로] 순진한, 더럽혀지지 않은; 우아한, 순수한
  • Q7
    whimsical (adj.)
    thoughtful and sad / 생각에 잠긴, 애수를 띤
    behaving or looking as though one thinks they are superior to others / 거만한
    playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way / 기발한
    still in existence or in use / 현존하는
  • Q8
    quintessence (n.)
    the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class / 본질
    a shortage, especially of money / 결핍, 부족, 적자(↔surplus)
    the human soul; the mind; the spirit / 영혼, 정신
    question / 질문
  • Q9
    abstinent (adj.)
    having or showing calmness in a crisis. / 당황하지 않는, 차분한
    deeply religious / 경건한
    nearest in space or time / 가까운
    abstaining; voluntarily not doing something, especially something pleasant that is bad for you or has a bad reputation / 금욕적인, 절제하는
  • Q10
    ineffable (old English) (adj.)
    in deep thoguht / 생각에 잠긴
    happening or existing at the same time / 동시에
    fearless, adventurous / 대담한
    too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. / 말로 설명할 수 없는, 표현할 수 없는
  • Q11
    indict (v.)
    to happen or appear repeatedly / 되풀이되다
    to formally decide that someone should be put on trial for a crime / 기소하다, 고소하다
    1. to begin a journey especially on a ship or airplane 2. to make a start / 1. 탑승하다 2. 착수하다
    to attack / 공격하다
  • Q12
    set apart (v.)
    to hit something and suddenly change direction / 빗나가다
    to free, disentangle / 벗어나다, 해방하다
    to abstain or refrain from / 참다, 억제하다
    to show to be different from others / ~와 다름을 보여주다
  • Q13
    utterance (n.)
    the action of keeping something under control or within limits / 억제
    amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. / 웃음, 유쾌함
    sounds made through speech / 발언, 말
    written or spoken language in its ordinary form / 산문
  • Q14
    encumber (v.)
    to cause problems or difficulties for (someone or something) / 방해하다, 지장을 주다
    to kidnap, take by force / 유괴하다
    to make unstable / 불안정해지다
    to scold, reprimand / 질책하다
  • Q15
    anachronism (n.)
    a meeting of the members of a political party or political faction; a political group whose members have common interests or goals / 정당의 지방대회, 간부회의, 위원회
    a nearsightedness; lack of foresight / 근시안; 선견지명이 부족한
    something out of place in time or history; an incongruity / 시대착오, 시대에 뒤떨어진 것
    a person's face. / 얼굴, 안면

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