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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    mendacious (adj.)
    1. not honest; likely to tell lies 2. based on lies / 거짓의
    extremely poor / 몹시 가난한, 극빈한
    not having or showing an unfair tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others / 편견 없는
    not able to exist or work together / 호환되지 않는
  • Q2
    desultory (adj.)
    not able to be seen through; not transparent / 불투명한
    lacking a plan or purpose / 계획이 없는
    disapproving; degrading / 손상시키는; 가치를 떨어뜨리는; 경멸적인
    having absolute rule or power / 권위주의의, 독재주의의
  • Q3
    testimony (n.)
    the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge / 어휘
    origin; creation; beginning / 기원, 창조
    an assertion offering support for a fact; a solemn statement given under oath / 증언, 증거
    magnitude or seriousness (of something negative) / 심각성 (부정적)
  • Q4
    unbearable (adj.)
    attempting to avoid notice or attention / 은밀한
    having or showing a wish to do evil to others / 악의적인
    easy to like; agreeable / 마음에 드는, 호감이 가는
    too bad, harsh; or extreme to be accepted or endured / 참을 수 없는
  • Q5
    criterion (n.)
    government by only a very few people / 소수자들에 의한 정부
    craftsman / 장인
    the experience of seeing something that is not really there because  you are ill or have taken a drug / 망상, 착각
    standard; basis for judgment / 표준, 기준, 규범
  • Q6
    compliment (n.)
    the beginning or start of something / 시작
    a state or situation in which a person is alone usually because the person wants to be / 고독
    disease in plants; anything that injures or destroys / 식물의 질병; 해를 입히거나 파괴하는 것
    an expression of esteem or approval / 칭찬, 찬사
  • Q7
    reparation (n.)
    a job or position / 직책
    the quality of being greater in weight, importance, or strength / 우세
    paying back; making amends; compensation / 보상, 배상; 수리, 수선
    a will to succeed; something one hopes to do / 성공하고자하는 소망; 이루고 싶은 것
  • Q8
    perceived (adj.)
    lasting only for a short time / 일시적인
    feeling hopeless / 절망적인
    misleading in appearance, deceptive / 허울만 있는
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
  • Q9
    cobbler (n.)
    a careful examination, review / 통독, 검토
    a very small amount, especially relating to money / 아주 조금, 얼마 안 되는 돈
    something curiously strange, weird, odd / 특이한 (혹은 이상한) 것
    a person who makes or repairs shoes / 구두수선공, 직조사
  • Q10
    veracity (n.)
    a group of conspirators; the acts of such a group; a clique / 음모, 권모술수
    anxiety; fear; dread / 불안감
    an agreement / 협의
    conformity to facts; accuracy / 진실성
  • Q11
    emerge (v.)
    to defeat thoroughly; to overcome or subdue / 완파하다
    to abruptly refuse (to do something); to stop short / 갑자기 거부하다; 중단하다
    to become apparent, important, or prominent / 나타나다
    to introduce someone into a job or position with a formal ceremony / 취임하다
  • Q12
    ingest (v.)
    to engage in conversation / 대화하다
    to make extremely angry / 화나게 하다
    to take up or consume / ~을 섭취하다
    to carry out or commit (a harmful or illegal act) / 저지르다
  • Q13
    abridge (v.)
    to escape one's grasp / (교묘히) 피하다[빠져나가다]
    to shorten; to condense / 요약하다; 축소하다
    to bother or annoy (someone) with many comments or questions / 성가시게 하다
    to become subject to or experience (something, usually negative) / (비용 등을) 소요하다
  • Q14
    exemplary (adj.)
    extremely silly, foolish; or unreasonable / 불합리한
    worth of imitation; being a great example for something / 대단한, 모범적인
    very careful about doing what you are supposed to do / 양심적인
    on purpose / 고의
  • Q15
    nebulous (adj.)
    not decayed or decomposed; not ruined or made worse / 때 묻지 않은
    unclear, vague, or ill-defined / 흐릿한
    fearless, adventurous / 대담한
    wandering from place to place / 유목의, 방랑하는

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