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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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100 questions
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  • Q1
    conjugal (adj.)
    having to do with marriage / 부부의, 혼인의
    a thoroughly competent; skillful; very good (at something) / 능숙한
    notably large in size, amount, or extent / 상당한, 많은
    grimly mocking or cynical / 비꼬는
  • Q2
    access (n.)
    a plan or arrangement for doing or organizing something / 계획
    the right or ability to approach, enter, or use / 접근하는 권리나 능력
    a trip or outing / 여행, 소풍
    skillful maneuvering; subtlety; craftiness / 솜씨, 교묘한 기교, 술책, 책략, 예리함
  • Q3
    temporal (adj.)
    arousing anger or strong emotion / 염려를 불러일으키는
    friendly and cheerful / (분위기나 성격이) 명랑한[유쾌한]
    relating to time or the material world as opposed to the spiritual realm / 시간적인
    showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence / 소심한
  • Q4
    proclaim (v.)
    to announce; declare; make known / 공언하다, 선언하다
    to make easier; to make something more likely to happen / ~을 용이하게 하다, ~을 쉽게 하다
    to free, disentangle / 벗어나다, 해방하다
    to train; to accustom to a situation / ...을 길들이다, 익숙하게 하다
  • Q5
    torpid (adj.)
    forced or driven to do something / 강제된
    urgent, critical / 긴급한, 절박한
    tragic; agonizing; severe / 비통한, 슬프게 하는, 슬퍼할, 학대하다, 괴롭히다
    lethargic, dormant, lacking motion / 기면한, 활기 없는
  • Q6
    founding (adj.)
    (of a woman or her behavior) reserved, modest, and shy. / 온순한, 얌전한
    relating to a particular subject, art, or craft, or its techniques / 기술적인
    troublesome or irritable / 성질이 까다로운, 성급한
    starting something for the first time; introducing something new / 최초의, 원래의, 창립의
  • Q7
    apex (n.)
    farming / 농업, 농경학
    courage, strength of mind / 인내, 불굴의 정신
    the top or highest point of something / 정점
    examination of one's own thoughts and feelings / 자기 반성
  • Q8
    pathetic (adj.)
    lively and enthusiastic / 용솟음치는
    self-governing / 자치의
    causing feelings of sadness and sympathy / 불쌍한, 애처로운
    flawless, without fault / 흠잡을 데 없는
  • Q9
    facility (n.)
    sly or cunning intelligence / 교활함
    effortlessness; quality of doing something well easily / (무언가를 쉽게하는) 능력
    lack of harmony, conflict / 불일치, 불협화음
    obtaining another’s property by theft or trickery / 절도
  • Q10
    facilitate (v.)
    to make easier; to make something more likely to happen / ~을 용이하게 하다, ~을 쉽게 하다
    to fix firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass / 삽입하다
    to avoid dealing with or facing (something / 회피하다
    to make unclear or confusing / 혼동시키다
  • Q11
    exuberant (adj.)
    characterized by unrest or disorder / 격동하는
    full of energy, enthusiasm / 풍부한, 열정적인
    given to expressing yourself freely or insistently / 자기 주장을 잘 하는
    consisting of diverse or dissimilar elements / 이질적인
  • Q12
    astute (adj.)
    talkative; fond of talking / 말이 많은
    self-governing / 자치의
    robust, capable of surviving through adverse conditions / 건강한, 단단한
    marked by practical hardheaded intelligence / 눈치 빠른, 교활한
  • Q13
    motley (adj.)
    rude, insolent / 무례한, 건방진
    characterized by an open mouth and a deep inhalation due to tiredness or boredom / 하품하는
    passionate / 열렬한, 열정적인
    extremely varied or diverse; heterogeneous; multicolored / 잡색의, 얼룩덜룩한; 혼성의, 다채로운
  • Q14
    extinction (n.)
    a sudden rushing attack; an excursion; an expedition; a repartee; a clever rejoinder / 1. 돌격, 출격 2. 재담
    written or spoken language in its ordinary form / 산문
    an agreement / 협의
    the death of all its remaining living members / 소멸
  • Q15
    inept (adj.)
    having or showing zeal; filled with enthusiasm and fervor / 열렬한
    not able to be seen through; not transparent / 불투명한
    without forethought; acting without thinking / 충동적인
    lacking skill or competence / 서투른

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