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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    presumably (adv.)
    from this point forward / 이제부터
    to this place / 이쪽으로
    as a consequence; for this reason / 그래서
    probably; the assumption is that; doubtless / 아마, 추측컨데
  • Q2
    mirth (old English) (n.)
    a combination of two or more things, usually metals / 합금
    amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. / 웃음, 유쾌함
    a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority / 계급
    great and impressive beauty / 장엄
  • Q3
    disparity (n.)
    inequality or difference; gap / 차이; 격차
    uproar; hubbub / 소란, 소동, 시끄러운, 떠들썩한
    the crime of telling a lie in a court of law after promising to tell the truth / 위증
    self-governance / 자치권
  • Q4
    bland (adj.)
    detected by senses; appearing as such but not necessarily so / 인식된
    cheerful and friendly. / 명랑한, 즐거운
    past due; not paid at the scheduled time / 진작 했어야 하는
    mild; tasteless; dull; unlively / 온화한; (맛이) 부드러운; 시시한; 매력없는; 무관심한
  • Q5
    nondescript (adj.)
    suitable or proper in the circumstances / 적절한
    more than enough; fairly large in amount / 풍만한
    not extreme or harsh; at a reasonable level or degree / 지나치거나 심한 수준이 아닌; 적당한 수준의
    lacking a distinctive character / 특징 없는, 평범한
  • Q6
    consequent (adj.)
    troublesome or irritable / 성질이 까다로운, 성급한
    happening as a result or effect of something / 결과적인
    based on a mistaken belief / 잘못된, 허위의
    subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind / 변덕스러운
  • Q7
    alleviate (v.)
    to cause (someone) to be worried or upset / 교란시키다
    to think about (deeply) / ~를 고려하다, 생각하다
    to relieve / 완화시키다
    to swell; to extend a great deal / 부풀리다, 팽창시키다
  • Q8
    premature (adj.)
    based on or in accordance with reason or logic / 합리적인
    relating to marriage or weddings / 결혼의, 혼인의
    a warlike; having to do with combat / 전쟁의, 군사의; 군인다운; 호전적인, 용감한
    happening too soon or earlier than usua / 시기상조의
  • Q9
    startling (adj.)
    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); resulting in positive results / 생산적인
    unmistakable, clear; majorly influencing a result / 압도적으로 명백한; 결정적인
    causing momentary shock or alarm / 당황하게 하는, 충격을 주는
    unable to be overcome; insurmountable; overwhelming / 극복할 수 없는, 이겨낼 수 없는
  • Q10
    benchmark (n.)
    a standard or reference for comparison / 기준
    an assumption, at times premature, unwarranted or rude / (정확하지 않을 수 있는) 가정
    the extreme ends of something (in a body, your fingers, toes, or other ends) / 극단; 손가락, 발가락 처럼 몸 중심에서 먼 부위
    a public vote on a measure proposed or passed by a legislature / 국민 투표, 국민 투표 제도
  • Q11
    gambit (n.)
    lack of comforts or necessities; poverty / 결핍, 빈곤
    a false name or identity / 가명
    craftsman / 장인
    a scheme to gain an advantage; a ploy / (행동이나 거래 따위의) 시작, 전략
  • Q12
    morose (adj.)
    feeling a loss of spirit or morale / 실망한, 낙담한
    sullen, gloomy, or ill-tempered / 얌전하지 않은
    someone whose way of living is considered morally wrong / 부도덕한
    rumored; claimed / 주장된, 주장되는, 소문에 의한
  • Q13
    demagogue (n.)
    a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power / 선동가
    deceitfulness; double-dealing / 이중성
    an important discovery or success in something / 대단한 것을 (처음으로) 발견 혹은 성공
    ancestor, predecessor / 선조, 조상
  • Q14
    fragment (n.)
    a person who dislikes or avoids human society / 인간을 싫어하는 사람
    gradual or subtle absorption / 삼투, 삼투성
    edge / 가장자리
    a small piece or part broken off from a whole / 조각
  • Q15
    effortlessness (n.)
    the outer limits or edge of something / 주변
    avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness. / 게으름, 나태
    a point of congestion or blockage / 병목
    quality of doing something easily with little effort / 노력없이 무언가를 잘하는 성질

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