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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    amass (v.)
    to pile up; to accumulate; to collect for one's own use / [재산]을 모으다, 축적하다, 쌓다
    to make (something) the subject of a lawsuit / 소송을 걸다
    1. to drink (alcohol) 2. to absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge). / 1. (물, 술 등을) 마시다 2. (지식 등을) 흡수하다
    to impart vigor, strength, or vitality to / ~의 생기를 돋우다
  • Q2
    bleak (adj.)
    reluctant or unwilling / 싫어하는
    not hopeful or encouraging / 어두운, 우울한
    cautious, careful / 신중한
    intimidating, causing one to lose courage / 위협적인, 겁내는
  • Q3
    imperative (adj.)
    attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous / 눈부신
    of vital importance; crucial / 필수적인
    pure and unadorned; abstaining from sex / [육체적으로] 순진한, 더럽혀지지 않은; 우아한, 순수한
    relating to a particular subject, art, or craft, or its techniques / 기술적인
  • Q4
    fulminate (v.)
    to portend; to foreshadow; to forecast or predict / ...을 예감하다, 예언하다
    to treat with excessive indulgence; to allow whatever someone wants / ~을 떠받들다, ~을 오냐오냐해주다
    to denounce vigorously; to protest vehemently against something / 맹렬히 비난하다, 호통치다
    to disregard, to consider not relevant or important / 무시하다, 고려대상에 두지 않다
  • Q5
    discontent (n.)
    hostility / 대립, 적대감
    inherent ability / 총명함, (주로 지적, 심적) 능력
    a guard; a watcher / 보초병, 감시병
    showing or experience dissastisfaction / 불만족
  • Q6
    didactic (adj.)
    winding; twisting; serpentine; full of curves / 구불구불한, 비틀린
    lacking clarity or logical connection / 불분명한
    intended to teach or instruct / 교훈적인
    attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous / 눈부신
  • Q7
    simplistic (adj.)
    noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline / 거친, 사나운, 요란한
    acting with or showing care and thought for the future / 신중한
    too simple / 너무 단순화시킨, 지나치게 간소화한
    lacking awareness of something / ~을 깨닫지 못하는
  • Q8
    cliché (n.)
    something added to or connected with something else; an assistant / 부가물, 보조적인
    a natural preference for something / 편애, 역성
    an overused saying or idea / 진부한 표현, 상투적인 아이디어
    a failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character. / 부적당함, 불건전함
  • Q9
    revolt (v.)
    to do without; to forbear / 보류하다, ...없이 지내다, 무시하다
    to accumulate or receive over time / 누적되다
    to regard with deep respect or reverence / 숭배하다
    to fight in a violent way against the rule of a leader or government / 저항하다
  • Q10
    upright (adj.)
    next to or adjoining something / 인접한
    standing straight; having good morals / 올바른, 정직한
    constant; lasting a long time; inveterate / 만성의, 오래 지속되는
    requiring great effort / 힘든, 노력을 많이 요구하는
  • Q11
    peruse (v.)
    to put (something) in a liquid so that all parts are completely covered / 담그다
    to exchange things (such as products or services) for other thing / 교환(하다)
    to read or examine carefully and in detail / 세심히 살피다
    to drink and party in a lively way / 술을 마시며 떠들다
  • Q12
    oft (old English) (adv.)
    in or into that place, thing, or detail / 그 안에, 그 것에
    from this point forward / 이제부터
    between / 사이에
    often / 자주, 종종
  • Q13
    meadow (n.)
    patience, tolerance / 관용, 참을성
    the state of being widespread or ever-present / 어디에나 존재함
    the human soul; the mind; the spirit / 영혼, 정신
    a field with grass and often wildflowers / 초원
  • Q14
    craven (adj.)
    cowardly / 겁많은, 소심한; 비열한, 비겁한
    showing no care or concern; having no preference on the matter / 무심한, ~중에 선호하는 것이 없는
    complete and total / 완전한
    murky; opaque; unclear / 불투명한, 흐린, 탁한
  • Q15
    administrate (v.)
    to manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.) / 관리하다
    to convert (someone) from one religion or doctrine to another; to recruit converts to a religion or doctrine / 개종시키다, 전향시키다
    to hate very much / 혐오하다
    to express strong disapproval of / ~에 대해 강하게 비판하다

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