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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    vitality (n.)
    an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned. / 수식어, 형용
    a type or category, especially of art or writing / 장르, 유형, 약식; 풍속화
    a list or arrangement of things / 배열
    the state of being strong and active / 활력
  • Q2
    laudatory (adj.)
    hard to understand; beyond ordinary knowledge / 심오한, 난해한, 알기 어려운
    expressing admiration or praise / 칭찬의, 찬양의
    overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group / 지켜보는, 관리하는
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
  • Q3
    convoluted (adj.)
    complex, intricate / 복잡한
    sickeningly sweet / 달콤한
    eliciting or possessing an extraordinary interest in sex / 음란한, 색정적인
    lack of symmetry; an imbalance between two parties / 비대칭인
  • Q4
    pejorative (adj.)
    lacking interest or excitement; dull / 흔해 빠진
    very high and good; deserving to be admired / 숭고한, 고상한
    expressing contempt or disapproval / 경멸적인[비난투의]
    almost; near; resembling / 거의; 가까운; 닮은
  • Q5
    agile (adj.)
    quick, smart, and clever / 민첩한
    a rural area lacking urban comforts or sophistication; primitive / 시골풍의, 시골의, 소박한, 단순한
    of momentous or ominous significance / 전조적인
    insensitive / 냉담한
  • Q6
    brawn (n.)
    a consequence or branching out / 결과, 분기
    big muscles; great strength / 근육, 완력
    the act of reaching out or extending efforts to others / 외부로의 확장
    something that holds separate parts together / 핵심, 중추
  • Q7
    auditory (adj.)
    out of fashion / 구식의, 유행에 뒤진, 시대에 뒤진
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
    relating to hearing or the sense of hearing / 청각의
    able to return to an original shape or size after being stretched or squeezed / 탄력적인
  • Q8
    inception (n.)
    a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant / 변천
    a system of government or business that has many complicated rules and ways of doing things / 관료주의
    the beginning or start of something / 개시
    the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another / 이동
  • Q9
    extrapolate (v.)
    to extend or project beyond known information / 외삽하다
    to conceal one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs. / 가장하다, 위장하다
    to wither away; to decline from disuse / 위축시키다, 쇠약해지다; 위축, 퇴화, 쇠퇴
    1. to suddenly increase to an unusually high level 2. to move very quickly and suddenly in a particular direction / 급등(하다), 쇄도(하다)
  • Q10
    indolent (adj.)
    characterized by unrest or disorder / 격동하는
    most noticeable or important / 현저한
    lacking interest / 무관심한
    not liking to work or be active / 나태한
  • Q11
    skepticism (n.)
    one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven / 불가지론자
    doubt or disbelief in the truth or validity of something / 회의
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    exclusion from responsibility or duty / 면제, 제외
  • Q12
    lexicon (n.)
    a fact (usually insignificant and small) / 잡동사니 정보
    lack of comforts or necessities; poverty / 결핍, 빈곤
    the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge / 어휘
    an independent business person; one who starts, runs, and assumes the risk of operating an independent business enterprise / 기업가, 사업가; 창업가
  • Q13
    equanimity (n.)
    a word made up of the initials of other words / 머릿글자로 된 말(단어)
    self-evident rule or truth; a widely accepted saying / 원리, 이치, 공리, 격언
    calmness, composure / 평정, 침착
    a false show or ostentatious display of bravery or defiance / 허세
  • Q14
    emollient (n.)
    question / 질문
    irony; jokingly or bitingly saying the opposite of what is meant / 비꼼, 풍자, 비웃음
    soothing / 진정시키는
    the work in which someone is employed / 직업, 삶의 목적
  • Q15
    amusing (adj.)
    in the nature of something; intrinsic / 타고난, 고유의
    deviating from normal expectations / 불규칙적인, 전형적이지 않은, 비정형의
    neatly skillful and quick in one's movements. / 솜씨 좋은, 능숙한
    fun, arousing laughter or pleasure (usually insignificant) / 즐거운, 재밌는 (그러나 하찮은)

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