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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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40 questions
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  • Q1
    subtle (adj.)
    appearing as such but not necessarily so / ~같은, ~처럼 보이는
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
    easy to like; agreeable / 마음에 드는, 호감이 가는
    difficult to perceive or notice / 교묘한, 눈에 잘 안띄는
  • Q2
    mutual (adj.)
    derived from experiment and observation rather than theory / 실제적인, 실행상의, 경험에 의한
    in an advantageous position for ~ / ~하기에 유리한 위치에 있는
    interactive; impacting each other / 서로, 공통, 상호적인
    seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive, not showing emotion / 금욕주의의, 감정을 보이지 않는
  • Q3
    hinder (v.)
    to put at a disadvantage; to prevent the progress or accomplishment of / ~을 방해하다, ~을 저지하다
    to express strong approval of; to compliment and honor / ~을 ~에게 추천하다; ~를 칭송하다
    to provide nurture; to help develop and grow / ~을 품다; ~가 성장하도록 돕다
    to provide / ~에게 ~을 공급하다, 주다
  • Q4
    contention (n.)
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    the legal right or document showing the legal right to something / 소유의 권리 혹은 그것을 입증하는 서류
    dispute; a point of dispute or disagreement; act of disputing or disagreement / 반대 주장, 반대, 반대로 인해 생기는 분쟁
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
  • Q5
    routine (adj.)
    not fully decided or agreed upon yet / 잠정적인; 아직 100% 정해지지 않은
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable / 구식의, 더 이상 유효하지 않은
  • Q6
    indifference (n.)
    lack of interest, enthusiasm, or emotion towards something / 냉담, 무관심
    lack of concern; no preference to one or the other / 무관심; 선호도가 없는
    lack of interest, enthusiasm, or emotion towards something / 냉담, 무관심
    unbiased impartial unconcern; the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally; the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern; apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions / 평범함, 범용함, 보통
  • Q7
    forecasting (n.)
    a statement made about the future / 예측, 예보
    possibility of future success; future possibility / 전망
    an idea / 아이디어, 생각
    disregarding or rejecting an idea / 기각
  • Q8
    popular (adj.)
    capable of being perceived by the senses; in real, specific terms / 구체적인
    marked by intense agitation or emotion; crazily busy / (바쁘거나 빨라서) 정신 없는
    appealing to the masses; of or employed by the masses / 대중의, 대중적인
    not capable of being carried out or put into practice / 가능하지 않은, 실행할 수 없는
  • Q9
    effectively (adv.)
    essentially, basically, in effect, in most reasonable respects / 사실상
    only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)
    not aggressive or risk-takiing; carefully/safely / 과감하지 않게; 신중하게; 보수적으로
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
  • Q10
    dismay (n.)
    downheartedness; worry about future danger / 절망
    an evaluation or appraisal / ~에대한 분석, 평가, 검토
    a tool; a method / ~의 방법, ~의 수단, 도구
    abundant wealth / 부유, 풍족함
  • Q11
    obliviousness (n.)
    a tool or equipment / 기구, 조직
    total forgetfulness / 망각함
    method, policy / 방법, 방식, 정책
    total forgetfulness / 망각함
  • Q12
    livelihood (n.)
    self-awareness, especially of embarrassment or self-critical thought / 부끄러움, 수줍음, 남을 의식
    an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives; a predisposition to like something / 편파, 편견, 불공평
    the financial means whereby one lives / 생업, 생계
    a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things / 비관적 (염세적) 태도, 부정적인 태도
  • Q13
    yield (v.)
    to produce / ~를 생산해내다
    to expose as false / ~가 틀렸음을 폭로/공개하다
    to wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person) / ~을 갈망하다
    to make up for / ~을 만회하다, (부족했던 것을 대신해) 메꾸다, ~을 보상하다
  • Q14
    leisure (n.)
    total forgetfulness / 망각함
    emptiness; space containing nothing / 허공, 공허
    time available for ease and relaxation / 손쉬움, 여유로움
    something given or done as an expression of esteem / 바치는 것
  • Q15
    disregard (n.)
    the ability to detect or recognize a difference / ~에 민감함, ~에 대해 세심함
    lack of care and attention / 무시
    a feeling or act of disliking something or what someone is doing / 못마땅함, ~에 대한 비난 혹은 싫은 감정
    originality or newness; a small, insignificant but interesting little object / 새로움, 참신함; 작은 제품

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