Quiz by 서브베테랑스
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70 questions
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- Q1recollection (n.)balance or interplay between opposing elements; feeling of suspense in midst of potential conflict or problem / 긴장된 상태 (상반된 것들의 대립, 혹은 어떤 불안이나 우려로 인한)a positive motivational influence; an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output / 장려, 장려금, 인센티브memory, or recall of a memory / 기억, 혹은 기억한다는 것mood, personality / 기질, 성격20s
- Q2diverge (v.)to experience / ~을 겪다to reach a conclusion / ~에 대해 결론을 내리다, 정착하다to assume as fact; to offer as basis of argument / ~을 가정하다to separate into two paths/types/forms / 두 갈래/종류로 나뉘다20s
- Q3successive (adj.)of very high grade; made of very small particles / 높은 품질의; 고운following one another / 연속의, 일렬로luxurious/expensive / 사치스러운resentful; having ill-will or hostility / 분노에 찬, 분개하는20s
- Q4nostalgic (adj.)believing the worst of human nature and motives / 비관적인unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons / 향수를 불러일으키는so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; not worth considering / 무시할 만한being up to date on latest trends / 유행을 따르는20s
- Q5foreign (adj.)designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently / 현혹하는, 기만하는, 속이는unable to be both true at the same time / 모순된of or from the outside / 외부에서 온; 외부의not eager; unwilling to become involved / ~하기를 꺼리는20s
- Q6emphatic (adj.)with emphasis; emphasized; forceful / 강조된, 강조하는; 강력한 (양보 없는)overall, including or related to all aspects / 전체를 아우르는grievously affected, usually by disease or an otherwise negative condition / ~에 괴로워하는; 괴로움을 겪는not genuine; showing no honest reflection / 거짓의, 위선의20s
- Q7aptitude (n.)a sudden involuntary movement, usually due to surprise or shock / 갑작스러운 움직임 (주로 당황하거나 놀라서 하는)inherent ability / 총명함, (주로 지적, 심적) 능력inequality or difference; gap / 차이; 격차deviation from norm / 이상, 기형20s
- Q8unappreciated (adj.)having value that is not acknowledged; not likely to be rewarded / 인정받지 못한so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; not worth considering / 무시할 만한with emphasis; emphasized; forceful / 강조된, 강조하는; 강력한 (양보 없는)causing momentary shock or alarm / 당황하게 하는, 충격을 주는20s
- Q9organically (adv.)too (surpassing a reasonable limit) / 지나치게naturally, not artificially / 유기적으로, 자연스럽게only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)obviously, evidently, perceived easily / 당연히, 명백히20s
- Q10reinforcement (n.)term for something; the act of identifying or naming something / 지정, (지정된) 명칭exhibiting restraint imposed on the self / 자제, 자제력, 자제심information that makes more convincing; strengthening of approved behavior or belief / 보강calm, significant consideration (doesn't have to be important) / 깊고 차분하게 한 생각 (중요하지 않을 수 있음)20s
- Q11marked (adj.)noticeable / 눈에 띄는involving or likely to cause controversy or disagreement / 이견이 분분한careless (a bad idea) / 생각이 짧은, 경솔한expressing extreme contempt / 경멸하는, 모욕하는, 업신여기는20s
- Q12benefactor (n.)something that causes an important event to happen; (chemistry) a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction / 촉매, 촉매제an antiquity that has survived from the distant past; something of sentimental value / 유물; 감정적인 가치가 있는 물품a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help) / 후원자, 기부자a hypothesis, theory, or claim put forth with little evidence / (근거없는) 추측20s
- Q13exquisite (adj.)believed or claimed (but not necessarily true) / 주장된 (그러나 사실이 아닐 수도 있는)showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의delicately beautiful / 정교하게 아름다운following one another / 연속의, 일렬로20s
- Q14productive (adj.)peaceful, calm / 고요한, 잔잔한similar in some respects (though perhaps not all) / ~와 비슷한 점들이 있는conspicuous in position or importance / 눈에 띄는, 뚜렷한producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); resulting in positive results / 생산적인20s
- Q15resentful (adj.)marked by a concern for other people/humanity / 인도주의의, 박애주의의, 인간애의having ill-will or hostility / 분노에 찬, 분개하는sleepy / 졸린narrowly restricted in outlook or scope; suggestive of the isolated life of an island; relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island / 뇌·췌장의 섬과 관련된20s