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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    contradictory (adj.)
    appealing to the masses; of or employed by the masses / 대중의, 대중적인
    not realistic in terms of actually occurring or doing / 현실적으로 실행이 어렵거나 불가능한
    unable to be both true at the same time / 모순된
    unable to be both true at the same time / 모순된
  • Q2
    replication (n.)
    memory, or recall of a memory / 기억, 혹은 기억한다는 것
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    a repetition or copy of something / 반복, 재현
    a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one / 곤경
  • Q3
    outright (adj.)
    without reservation, exception, or condition; not hidden / 전면적인, 공공연한
    lasting for a brief time / 짧은
    very clear; having no room for doubt or confusion / 명백한, 확실한, 애매하지 않은
    expressing extreme contempt / 경멸하는, 모욕하는, 업신여기는
  • Q4
    lavish (adj.)
    owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors / ~에게 감사하는, 은혜를 입은
    luxurious/expensive / 사치스러운
    clear, not ambiguous / 명쾌한, 명백한, 분명한
    very clear; having no room for doubt or confusion / 명백한, 확실한, 애매하지 않은
  • Q5
    overlook (v.)
    to enter upon an activity or enterprise / ~하는 데 착수하다
    to provide nurture; to help develop and grow / ~을 품다; ~가 성장하도록 돕다
    to distribute accordingly / ~에 ~을 할당하다
    to look past and fail to notice / ~을 보지 못하다; 놓치다
  • Q6
    incorporate (v.)
    to include; to make a part of something / ~을 포함시키다; 전체에 일부를 포함시키다
    to make attractive or lovable / ~을 사랑받게 하다, ~을 따르게 하다
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
    to disagree; to be of different opinion / ~와 의견을 달리하다
  • Q7
    functionality (n.)
    an incorrect idea or understanding / 오해, 잘못된 생각
    the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting) / 무대, 장면, 배경, 장소
    a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help) / 후원자, 기부자
    things that can be accomplished by something; state of having lots of utility / 기능; 기능의 많음
  • Q8
    vex (v.)
    to become distinct; to tell apart / 구별되도록 하다, 분화하다; 구분하다
    to prevent or obstruct; to dishearten / ~가 잘 안되도록 하다; ~을 기죽이다, ~을 낙담시키다
    to annoy or severely agitate / ~을 괴롭히다, ~을 짜증나게 하다
    to challenge the accuracy or validity of / ~을 의심하다, ~에 이의를 제기하다
  • Q9
    intimidate (v.)
    to grow stronger; to gain in wealth / 번영하다
    to make stronger (claim or strucuture); strengthen and support behaviors and beliefs with rewards / (믿음, 주장, 행동 등)~을 강화하다
    to make timid or fearful / ~을 겁주다, ~을 협박하다
    to display; to exhibit; to tout as an important characteristic / ~를 보여주다; ~를 전시하다; (어떤 중요한) ~~가 포함된
  • Q10
    feature (v.)
    to overcome, to be on top of / ~을 극복하다, ~을 타파하다
    to display; to exhibit; to tout as an important characteristic / ~를 보여주다; ~를 전시하다; (어떤 중요한) ~~가 포함된
    to encourage; to make easier or more likely to happen / ~를 장려하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
    to wear; to show / ~을 보이다, 드러내고 있다
  • Q11
    subtle (adj.)
    appearing as such but not necessarily so / ~같은, ~처럼 보이는
    easy to like; agreeable / 마음에 드는, 호감이 가는
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
    difficult to perceive or notice / 교묘한, 눈에 잘 안띄는
  • Q12
    mutual (adj.)
    interactive; impacting each other / 서로, 공통, 상호적인
    seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive, not showing emotion / 금욕주의의, 감정을 보이지 않는
    in an advantageous position for ~ / ~하기에 유리한 위치에 있는
    derived from experiment and observation rather than theory / 실제적인, 실행상의, 경험에 의한
  • Q13
    hinder (v.)
    to provide / ~에게 ~을 공급하다, 주다
    to provide nurture; to help develop and grow / ~을 품다; ~가 성장하도록 돕다
    to put at a disadvantage; to prevent the progress or accomplishment of / ~을 방해하다, ~을 저지하다
    to express strong approval of; to compliment and honor / ~을 ~에게 추천하다; ~를 칭송하다
  • Q14
    contention (n.)
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
    the legal right or document showing the legal right to something / 소유의 권리 혹은 그것을 입증하는 서류
    dispute; a point of dispute or disagreement; act of disputing or disagreement / 반대 주장, 반대, 반대로 인해 생기는 분쟁
    state of uncertainty regarding a choice between two things / 딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 되는 상황
  • Q15
    routine (adj.)
    not fully decided or agreed upon yet / 잠정적인; 아직 100% 정해지지 않은
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable / 구식의, 더 이상 유효하지 않은

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