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D.SAT Week3. D-001

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    unorthodox (adj.)
    unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons / 향수를 불러일으키는
    careless (a bad idea) / 생각이 짧은, 경솔한
    very clear; having no room for doubt or confusion / 명백한, 확실한, 애매하지 않은
    not traditional; unconventional / 정통이 아닌, 인습적이지 않은, 관습적이지 않은
  • Q2
    oblivious (adj.)
    lacking awareness of something / ~을 깨닫지 못하는
    seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive, not showing emotion / 금욕주의의, 감정을 보이지 않는
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
    strong and active physically or mentally / 활기찬, 힘찬, 활력이 넘치는
  • Q3
    predominantly (adv.)
    much greater in number or influence / 주로, 대부분
    much greater in number or influence / 주로, 대부분
    a fake act / 가식, 위장, 사기극
    forever (unclear when it will end) / 영원히 (언제 끝날지 명확하지 않은 상태로)
  • Q4
    hypocrisy (n.)
    to cease to consider; to cause or permit to leave / ~을 무시하다, ~을 묵살하다
    the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute; unreliability attributable to being unstable; an unstable order; a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium / 정서 불안정
    actions or thoughts that contradict one's own beliefs or claims / 위선 행위; 내로남불
    small action, usually signifying something / (뭔가를 나타내는) 작은 행동, 손짓, 몸짓
  • Q5
    downplay (v.)
    to alter, twist, or mutate out of shape (usually negative) / ~을 뒤틀리게 하다, ~을 왜곡하다
    to understate the importance or quality of; to represent as less significant or important / ~의 중요성을 축소해서 얘기하다; 실제보다 더 약하거나 덜한 것 처럼 표현하다
    difficult to catch or understand / 회피하는, 잡기 힘든
    to request or ask for something, usually from a potential customer / 요청, 요구하다 (주로 호객행위 하는 과정에서)
  • Q6
    instability (n.)
    the state or situation at the given time (without a change) / 현재 상황
    the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute; unreliability attributable to being unstable; an unstable order; a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium / 정서 불안정
    related to specific set of ideas/beliefs, especially political, religious, or social / 이념적인, 관념적인, 사상적인
    an assumption, at times premature, unwarranted or rude / (정확하지 않을 수 있는) 가정
  • Q7
    delineate (v.)
    to provide nurture; to help develop and grow / ~을 품다; ~가 성장하도록 돕다
    able to attract interest, draw favorable attention or evoke empathic or sympathetic feelings / 흥미로운, 관심을 끄는, 공감을 사는
    to refuse to acknowledge; to ignore / 인정하지 않다; 무시
    to describe in detail; to show the outline of; to list / ~을 정의하다; 자세히 묘사하다; 하나씩 나열하다
  • Q8
    apartheid (n.)
    a clear appearance or expression / 현시, 출현, 나타남
    a social policy or racial segregation / 인종차별 정책 (주거, 생활, 직장등의 분리)
    willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas) / (새로운 생각에 대한) 수용성, 개방성
    resentment and jealousy towards another's success / 부러움, 부러움으로 생기는 증오
  • Q9
    defining (adj.)
    lacking regard for others / 남을 배려하지 않는
    very important, significant, all-changing; distinctive / 가장 특징적인; 결정적인
    showing inventiveness (creativity) and skill / 영리하고 창의적인
    to move skillfully through / 능숙하게 행동하다/움직이다
  • Q10
    extraneous (adj.)
    peaceful, calm / 고요한, 잔잔한
    spreading or spread throughout / 확산하는 혹은 퍼진
    not essential or important / 관계없는, 포함되지 않은, 필수가 아닌
    magnitude or seriousness (of something negative) / 심각성 (부정적)
  • Q11
    embrace (v.)
    to express strong disapproval of / ~에 대해 강하게 비판하다
    to lessen in force or effect / ~의 효과나 강도를 약하게 하다
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to accept / ~을 받아들이다, ~을 채택하다
  • Q12
    echo (v.)
    to lower tension or aggression of a situation / ~을 진정시키다
    to weaken; to bring down; to harm / ~을 손상하다, ~을 훼손하다, ~을 해치다
    to say again or imitate / (비슷한 생각이나 개념을) 반복/상기시키다
    to express clearly / 잘 설명하다, 잘 말하다
  • Q13
    intervene (v.)
    to cease to consider; to cause or permit to leave / ~을 무시하다, ~을 묵살하다
    be a hindrance or obstacle to / ~가 ~하는 것을 막다, 방해하다
    to get involved, especially during the middle / 사이에 끼어들다; 개입하다
    not attractive; not persuasive or compelling / 매력없는, 호소력없는
  • Q14
    theatrical (adj.)
    dramatic; affected (not genuine) and exaggerated / (연극처럼) 과장된
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
    not doing any thing / 아무것도 안하는
    a large amount or quantity of / 부유함, 풍부함
  • Q15
    ingest (v.)
    to bring to light; to reveal / ~을 발견하다, ~을 밝히다
    to take up or consume / ~을 섭취하다
    strong, unshaken belief / 신념
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다

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