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D.SAT Week3. INT D-003

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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40 questions
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  • Q1
    reconciliation (n.)
    achieving of harmony between two (usually seemingly contradictory) things or ideas; restoration of relations / (모순되는 것 처럼 보이는 것에서 이뤄지는) 일치, 조화; (관계의) 화해
    a useful or valuable quality / 자산, 인재
    a journey to a faraway place, usually by sea / (바다로) 여행하다
    constituents; what something is made of / 구성, 구성 요소들
  • Q2
    receptiveness (n.)
    intrusion into another's territory / 무단침입, 무단출입
    willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas) / (새로운 생각에 대한) 수용성, 개방성
    lack of harmony or peace / 불화, 불일치
    things that are provided (usually, "things" like articles mentioned in a contract or law) / 제공된 것; 법이나 계약서에 명시된 부분
  • Q3
    practically (adv.)
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
    undeservedly; at a level that is uncalled for or unreasonable / 과도하게, 과분하게
    much greater in number or influence / 주로, 대부분
    forever (unclear when it will end) / 영원히 (언제 끝날지 명확하지 않은 상태로)
  • Q4
    deceptive (adj.)
    confused, perplexed / 좌절한, 당황한
    designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently / 현혹하는, 기만하는, 속이는
    too simple / 너무 단순화시킨, 지나치게 간소화한
    not changing / 변함없는
  • Q5
    reinforce (v.)
    to have a great desire for / ~을 열망하다, ~을 갈망하다
    to eat grass from the ground / (자연에서, 땅에 있는) 풀을 뜯어 먹다
    to make stronger (claim or strucuture); strengthen and support behaviors and beliefs with rewards / (믿음, 주장, 행동 등)~을 강화하다
    to show or display / ~을 전시하다, ~를 보여주다
  • Q6
    sequence (v.)
    to determine the order of the constituents/parts of something / ~의 배열 구조를 밝히다
    to grow stronger; to gain in wealth / 번영하다
    to make better (more sophisticated, precise, accurate) / ~을 개선하다 (더 수준이 높게, 더 정확하게)
    to refuse to acknowledge; to ignore / 인정하지 않다; 무시
  • Q7
    appealing (adj.)
    unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons / 향수를 불러일으키는
    able to attract interest, draw favorable attention or evoke empathic or sympathetic feelings / 흥미로운, 관심을 끄는, 공감을 사는
    similar in some respects (though perhaps not all) / ~와 비슷한 점들이 있는
    caused by ~, due to ~ / ~에서 기인하는, ~가 원인인
  • Q8
    astute (adj.)
    marked by practical hardheaded intelligence / 눈치 빠른, 교활한
    noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline / 거친, 사나운, 요란한
    difficult to catch or understand / 회피하는, 잡기 힘든
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
  • Q9
    post (n.)
    an assumption, at times premature, unwarranted or rude / (정확하지 않을 수 있는) 가정
    a job or position / 직책
    state of everyone being of one mind / 일치, 합의
    support/approval / 추천, 지지
  • Q10
    divisiveness (n.)
    a solution / 해결책, 결론
    a tendency to provoke dissension or discord / 분열시키는 성향
    a large amount or quantity of / 부유함, 풍부함
    the quality of insight and sympathetic understanding; perception of that which is obscure; delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); a feeling of understanding / 0
  • Q11
    contend (v.)
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
    treat or speak of with contempt / ~에 대해 ~을 비웃다, ~에 대해 ~을 조롱하다
    should ~ / ~해야 한다, ~하는게 좋다
    to give moral or emotional strength to; to help someone feel better after something sad or bad happened / ~을 위로하다
  • Q12
    rouse (v.)
    to put into motion/action / ~의 시작시키다
    to discuss ~; to speak to ~; to make an attempt at solving ~ / ~에 대해 얘기하다; ~에게 연설하다; ~를 해결하려 하다
    to put into motion/action / ~의 시작시키다
    to stimulate / ~을 자극하다, ~을 선동하다
  • Q13
    temperament (n.)
    cautiousness and watchfulness / 경계심
    a clear appearance or expression / 현시, 출현, 나타남
    a plan, method, or device for protection / 안전장치
    mood, personality / 기질, 성격
  • Q14
    evoke (v.)
    to spread or diffuse through / 퍼지다
    to control and move about something or someone / ~를 다루다; ~를 조종하다
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    to call to mind; to bring forth / ~를 (생각, 감정 등을) 불러오다
  • Q15
    speculate (v.)
    to feel bitter or indignant about / ~을 억울해하다
    to make less visible or unclear / ~을 숨기다, 흐리게 하다, 잘 안보이게 하다
    to appraise critically / ~을 분석하다, ~을 검토하다
    to believe or theorize (especially without evidence) / (근거 없이) 추측하다

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