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D.SAT Week4. D-005

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    omission (n.)
    event resulting in great loss and misfortune / 대실패, 파멸
    the process by which something occurs / 방법, 메커니즘; 진행 원리
    leaving out of something; something that is left out / 생략, 생략된 것
    style of cooking associated with region/culture / 특정 지역/문화의 요리 스타일
  • Q2
    embolden (v.)
    give encouragement to / ~에게 용기를 주다, ~을 격려하다
    to be attractive to; to ask for sympathy, mercy, or help / ~에게 매력적으로 느껴지다; ~에 호소하다
    to put at risk; pose a threat to; present a danger to / ~을 위험에 빠뜨리다, ~을 위태롭게 하다
    to explain (the cause or origin of) / ~의 원인이나 유래를 설명하다
  • Q3
    inevitable (adj.)
    assumed to be true / 추정되는
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
    morally excellent / 도덕적으로 우수한
    quickly (usually too quickly) / 섣부른
  • Q4
    unfounded (adj.)
    lasting for a brief time / 짧은
    able to endure something (without too much displeasure); somewhat accepting of something / 용인하는, 관용하는; 봐주는
    apparently reasonable, valid, or possible / 그럴듯한
    without basis or evidence / 근거없는
  • Q5
    undervalue (v.)
    to praise, glorify, or honor / ~을 칭찬하다, ~을 격찬하다
    to show or confirm to be right or true / ~을 확인하다, ~을 인증하다
    to support or express approval for / ~를 지지하다
    esteem lightly; assign too low a value to; lose in value / ~을 과소평가하다, ~을 저평가하다
  • Q6
    impose (v.)
    to wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person) / ~을 갈망하다
    to force or place a burden on someone / ~에게 ~을 내세우다, 받아들이게 하다
    to allow ~ to do or get whatever he or she wants; to enjoy without restraint / ~가 하고 싶은대로 다 해주다; ~를 마음껏 즐기다
    to go back to a previous state / ~로 돌아가다, ~로 되돌아가다
  • Q7
    optimal (adj.)
    having imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects / 진취적인, 모험적인
    most desirable possible in given situation / 최적의, 맞춤의
    having received or experienced too much to handle / 압도된, 어쩔 줄 모르는
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
  • Q8
    carefree (adj.)
    worried and uneasy; ceaselessly in motion / 잠이 안 오는; 가만히 있지 못하는
    cheerfully irresponsible; free of trouble and worry and care / 근심 걱정이 없는
    adhering to social rules and manners / 매너있는, 차분한
    slim, narrow, or little in quantity / 얇은, 날씬한; 부족한, 불충분한, 제한된
  • Q9
    disapproval (n.)
    a fake act / 가식, 위장, 사기극
    act of submitting, surrendering, or giving in completely / 복종, 순종, 굴복
    a feeling or act of disliking something or what someone is doing / 못마땅함, ~에 대한 비난 혹은 싫은 감정
    balance or interplay between opposing elements; feeling of suspense in midst of potential conflict or problem / 긴장된 상태 (상반된 것들의 대립, 혹은 어떤 불안이나 우려로 인한)
  • Q10
    deprive (v.)
    to speak, plead, or argue in favour of; to push for something / 지지하다, 옹호하다, (~를 하자고) 주장하다
    to make. [replace with "make" and it usually means the same] / ~를 ~로 되게 하다
    to moderate or lessen / ~을 누그러뜨리다
    to take away; to keep from / ~에게서 ~을 빼앗다
  • Q11
    disregard (v.)
    to find out, to figure out / ~인지 확인하다, ~인지 알아내다
    to assign an assignment or task to someone / ~에게 ~하는 업무를 부여하다
    to refuse to acknowledge; to ignore / 인정하지 않다; 무시
    to explain (the cause or origin of) / ~의 원인이나 유래를 설명하다
  • Q12
    adhere (v.)
    to put at a disadvantage; to prevent the progress or accomplishment of / ~을 방해하다, ~을 저지하다
    to follow; to stick close to / ~을 따르다, ~에 붙다
    to express strong disapproval of / ~에 대해 강하게 비판하다
    to win, convince, survive; to show the superiority over something / ~가 ~하도록 설득하다, ~를 이기다, ~보다 우월함을 보여주다
  • Q13
    wane (v.)
    to lag or linger behind (follow) / ~을 추적하다, ~을 쫓다
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
    to give or apply; to give out; to get rid of / ~을 분출하다; ~을 내보내다, ~을 없애다
    to allow ~ to do or get whatever he or she wants; to enjoy without restraint / ~가 하고 싶은대로 다 해주다; ~를 마음껏 즐기다
  • Q14
    emit (v.)
    to remove or reduce, especially something painful or uncomfortable; to make ~ feel better (worry less) / ~(불편한 느낌, 고통 등)을 완화하다; ~를 안심시키다
    to support or express approval for / ~를 지지하다
    to send off or send out / ~를 내뿜다, ~를 발산하다, ~를 내다
    to produce / ~를 생산해내다
  • Q15
    contempt (n.)
    group of animals born together / (동물의) 어미의 배에서 한번에 태어난 그룹
    actions or thoughts that contradict one's own beliefs or claims / 위선 행위; 내로남불
    quality of being widespread / 널리 퍼짐, 지배적인
    intense dislike, open disrespect / 모독, 증오

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