Duplicate of Causes of River Flooding
Quiz by Jonathan Willcox
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12 questions
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- Q1Is deforestation a human or physical factor that increases the risk of flooding?PhysicalHuman30s
- Q2Is urbanisation a human or physical factor that increases the risk of flooding?PhysicalHuman30s
- Q3Is heavy rainfall a human or physical factor that increases the risk of flooding?PhysicalHuman30s
- Q4Is snow melt a human or physical factor that increases the risk of flooding?PhysicalHuman30s
- Q5Are impermeable rocks a human or physical factor that increases the risk of flooding?HumanPhysical30s
- Q6Which of the following is the key term that describes the cutting down of trees?deforestationurbanisationheavy rainfallimpermeable rocks30s
- Q7Which of the following is the key term that describes the growth of cities?ruralisationcounter-urbanisationdeforestationurbanisation30s
- Q8Which of the following is the key term that means rocks that do not allow water to pass through them?impermeablesaturationinfiltrationprecipitation30s
- Q9Which of the following key terms means that the ground and soil cannot hold any more water?infiltrationsaturationurbanisationdeforestation30s
- Q10Which of the following key terms means precipitation that is stopped from reaching the ground by vegetationsaturationinterceptioninfiltrationcondensation30s
- Q11What is the key term that means water running along to surface of the ground?throughflowsaturationsurface runoffinfiltration30s
- Q12Which of the following is water that reaches a river quickestgroundwater flowpercolated flowthroughflowsurface runoff30s