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Early Presidents/U.S.

Quiz by Ryan Both

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is an example of Foreign Policy?
    Question Image
    Madison supported going to war against Britain in 1812.
    Adams supported imprisoning anybody who criticized laws.
    Washington encouraged Americans to no form political parties.
    Jefferson supported laissez faire (more personal freedom).
  • Q2
    Which of the following is an example of Domestic Policy?
    Question Image
    Washington wanted to stay out of the French-British conflict.
    Jefferson supported the Embargo Act to limit overseas trade.
    Washington encouraged Americans to purchase savings bonds.
    Adams supported the idea of isolationism with the XYZ Affair.
  • Q3
    Which of the following were precedents set by President Washington?
    Question Image
    Supported the idea of isolationism (remaining neutral).
    Created a Cabinet to help him make important decisions.
    All of these.
    Served 2 terms (8 years) as President.
  • Q4
    Which of the following best summarizes a belief of George Washington when he was President?
    Question Image
    ¨Political parties will tear our apart our great nation!¨
    All of these choices.
    ¨France or Britain? I choose to stay neutral!¨
    ¨We must follow the foreign policy of isolationism!¨
  • Q5
    Which of the following did not take place during the late 1700s-early 1800s?
    Question Image
    Britain and France showed great respect to the U.S.
    American sailors were taken prisoner by France & Britain.
    Northern cities/towns grew due to the Industrial Revolution.
    U.S. government leaders were divided into political parties.
  • Q6
    Why was the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Case important, which focused on judicial review?
    Question Image
    All of these.
    Legislative Branch can now declare a law unconstitutional.
    This strengthened the Judicial Branch with judicial review.
    Executive Branch can now declare a law unconstitutional.
  • Q7
    Which of the following best summarizes the presidency of Thomas Jefferson?
    Question Image
    ¨It is time to go to war with Britain in 1812¨
    ¨Stop government criticisms with the Alien & Sedition Acts!¨
    ¨The U.S. needs to stress laissez-faire (personal freedom)!¨
    ¨We must take Native American land to give to poor farmers!¨
  • Q8
    Which of the following was true about the Embargo Act?
    Question Image
    All of these choices.
    This law was supported by Jefferson to stop impressment.
    This law was unpopular amongst merchants and business owners.
    U.S. merchants were forbidden to trade with other countries.
  • Q9
    Which quote represents the views of a Dove prior to the War of 1812?
    ¨A war with Britain will hurt trade & our nation's economy!¨
    "We must stop British assistance of Native Americans in the West!"
    "The time to end impressment is now!"
    "It is time to take control of Canada!"
  • Q10
    Which quote represents the views of a War Hawk prior to the War of 1812?
    Question Image
    ¨We can´t go to war since it will hurt trade & our economy!¨
    ¨It is time we stand up to Britain to stop impressment!¨
    ¨We must respect the Native Americans & where they live!¨
    ¨We must follow President Washington's advice to avoid war!¨
  • Q11
    Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812?
    Question Image
    The U.S. defeated Britain to win this conflict.
    All of these choices.
    Britain defeated the U.S. to win this conflict.
    The war was a tie, but there was an increase in U.S. pride.
  • Q12
    Which of the following would be reasons some would consider President Andrew Jackson a villain?
    Question Image
    He supported the spread of slavery.
    All of these choices
    He ignored a ruling by the Supreme Court.
    He forced Native Americans from their homeland.
  • Q13
    Which of the following would be reasons some would consider President Andrew Jackson a hero?
    Question Image
    He prevented South Carolina from leaving the U.S.
    He encouraged greater democracy amongst white male voters.
    He was often seen as a supporter of the common person.
    All of these choices.
  • Q14
    Which of the following was a positive aspect of the Industrial Revolution?
    Question Image
    Workers were often poorly paid.
    Assembly line work was efficient, increasing the goods made.
    Children worked in factories as opposed to attending school.
    Factory working conditions were dangerous.
  • Q15
    Which of the following would be considered a negative aspect of the Industrial Revolution?
    Question Image
    Newer products were created.
    The population of cities grew.
    More jobs became available to people who moved to cities.
    Factories were dangerous places for people to work.

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