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ECE 207 - Artifact & Standard Alignment Quiz *Choose the best answer for each question.

Quiz by Julie Ehle

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11 questions
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  • Q1

    Natalie created a slide presentation about Maria Montessori. In the presentation, she summarized Montessori's theory about how children's develop.

    Which Standard best matches Natalie's knowledge evidence?

    Standard 1

    Standard 4

    Standard 6

  • Q2

    Charles wrote a paper about the importance of play for children's development. He included research about how play helps children learn important social skills.

    Which Standard best matches Charles knowledge on play?

    Standard 3

    Standard 1

    Standard 5

  • Q3

    Fathima wrote a letter to parents describing how they can support their child's play and how it benefits their growth. She listed several ideas for parents to try at home.

    Which Standard best matches Fathima's pamphlet artifact?

    Standard 4

    Standard 6

    Standard 2

  • Q4

    Lucas writes a math lesson plan for the early childhood preschool program where he teaches.  In the plan, he asks children to count out how many crackers match the numeral card clipped to the basket. 

    Which Standard best matches Lucas' written plan?

    Standard 1

    Standard 4

    Standard 5

  • Q5

    Aliyah writes a journal describing how an infant's limbic system develops. She describes how the limbic system helps the child's emotions develop. Then she compares the process to what she has seen at her field site, and includes a personal reflection of her observations.

    Which Standard best matches Aliyah's artifact?

    Standard 1

    Standard 6

    Standard 3

  • Q6

    Maya created a pamphlet for parents and colleagues about self-regulation for children who are experiencing temporary emotional distress. In it, she lists strategies for calming and redirecting the child. 

    Which Standard best matches Maya's artifact?

    Standard 4

    Standard 5

    Standard 1

  • Q7

    Lynn is applying for a new role at the center where she works. She wants to show the knowledge she has gained through college courses, so she includes a copy of her transcript. 

    Which Standard best matches Lynn's scenario?

    Standard 4

    Standard 6

    Standard 3

  • Q8

    Rajesh has been observing an infant at his field site. He makes several notes each time he visits, and keeps them in a pocket file. Each file section is dedicated to a developmental goal. 

    Which Standard best matches Rajesh's ability to record and organize his observations?

    Standard 2

    Standard 4

    Standard 3

  • Q9

    Lian prepared a science activity about bubbles for the toddlers at her center. During the activity, a few children started splashing the bubble solution out of the tubs creating a slippery floor.  Afterwards, Lian decided to try the activity again-- but outdoors during recess.  

    Which Standard best matches Lynn's ability to improve an activity?

    Standard 5

    Standard 6

    Standard 2

  • Q10

    As part of an assignment about bias, the instructor gave the class a question to answer using Flipgrid (a video forum).  In her recording, Becky share details about how she plans to challenge her own biases in her interactions with the families she works with.

    What Standard is Becky supporting?

    Standard 1

    Standard 6

    Standard 2

  • Q11

    Marcia interviews several families she knows to ask them what they find most difficult when travelling with small children.  She records the conversations with their permission, and later uses that information, along with her child development knowledge, to develop car kits for family trips.

    Marcia's car kits are an artifacts for which Standard?

    Standard 5

    Standard 2

    Standard 3


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