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El Sistema de Educación en Finlandia

Quiz by Carissa Kunins-Rodriguez

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the main principle of Finland's education system?
    Equality in the classroom
    Strict discipline
    Individual competition
    High tuition costs
  • Q2
    At what grade do Finnish students start receiving numerical grades?
    Seventh grade
    Fifth grade
    First grade
    Third grade
  • Q3
    What type of assessments do Finnish students have before fifth grade?
    Group projects
    Standardized exams
    Written tests
    Face-to-face evaluations
  • Q4
    What unique feature does the Finnish education system emphasize after evaluations?
    Peer reviews
    Standardized testing
    Teacher evaluations
    Self-evaluation by students
  • Q5
    How do Finnish schools ensure safety for students?
    Regular police checks
    High-security fences
    Surveillance cameras
    Respectful community behavior
  • Q6
    What is a common belief about having children in Finland?
    It is very expensive
    It is very challenging
    It is discouraged
    It is one of the best places to raise children
  • Q7
    What do Finnish parents often do to help their babies sleep better in winter?
    Let them sleep outside
    Co-sleep in the same bed
    Use heated blankets
    Keep them indoors
  • Q8
    What percentage of schools in Finland are private?
    2 percent
    10 percent
    50 percent
    25 percent
  • Q9
    How is punctuality viewed in Finnish society?
    It is flexible
    It is unimportant
    It is strictly respected
    It is rarely discussed
  • Q10
    How does the video describe Finnish children who learn differently?
    They receive no support
    They can also excel through different learning methods
    They are placed in special education
    They struggle to keep up

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