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ELA Back to School

Quiz by Susan Ratajski

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    What happens if you do not finish your classwork?
    It becomes homework.
    Nothing! Homework not finished is no big deal!
    All work is due on Friday! No worries!
    You have all week to finish it!
  • Q2
    What happens if you come to class with your tablet not charged?
    Nothing! It's not your fault!
    You are considered unprepared. You will receive a teacher detention, no questions asked!
    You may charge it in class but do not make this a habit or you will receive a teacher detention.
    We have electricity here at school, go for it!
  • Q3
    When you arrive to class, what should you do?
    Wait to be told by the teacher.
    Chat with friends!
    Make plans for after school.
  • Q4
    You do not turn your work into the Collaboration Space when it is due... what happens?
    Homework is no biggie, relax!
    Homework is not checked, nothing to fret about!
    It's a zero. Parents are notified: email, phone call, email.
    No worries, you have all marking period.
  • Q5
    Where can you find the homework?
    Your teacher will only say it out loud.
    It's on the teacher website and on the board in the back of the classroom.
    Your teacher will hand you a typed page with the week's assignments listed.
    There never is homework so nothing you have to worry about!

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