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Quiz by Natalia Forero

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Emoji ...
    is still at a very basic stage.
    is developing faster than any other language.
    has more symbols than there are words in the English language.
  • Q2
    Emojis have influenced ...
    our messaging style and fashion.
    art and architecture.
    English vocabulary and pronunciation.
  • Q3
    British teenagers say emojis help them ...
    express their personalities and be creative
    tell stories in a funny way.
    save time and effort.
  • Q4
    The author suggests that the emojis you use most ...
    change quickly with your mood.
    can reflect your personality.
    are strongly influenced by your friends.
  • Q5
    The UK's favourite emojis might show that British people ...
    are different from how they are perceived.
    are quite negative.
    don't say what they mean.
  • Q6
    Apart from having no cheese emoji for a while, people have been angry about ...
    emojis looking different on different platforms.
    a lack of diversity in emojis.
    not all emojis being available in the UK.
  • Q7
    A German teenager has successfully campaigned to add an emoji ...
    woman who is boxing.
    woman with her hair covered.
    woman with red hair.
  • Q8
    The 'I Am A Witness' emoji is used ...
    to encourage people to stand up to online bullies.
    to say, 'Don't worry, I won't tell anyone'.
    by teenagers to warn friends that their parents are in the room.
  • Q9
    After the McDonalds advertising campaign that used emojis, ...
    McDonalds had to pay money for copyright reasons.
    a lot of people bought McDonalds.
    some graffiti artists had the last laugh.
  • Q10
    The author suggests that ...
    the current excitement over emojis will not last long.
    it is difficult to know what will happen with emojis in the future.
    Emoji will become more important that English.

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