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End of Year Review

Quiz by Kelly Cyr

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61 questions
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  • Q1
    Marvin is studying how joints move. He used the hinge shown below to represent how the elbow moves. Which of these phrases best describes what Marvin is doing?
    Question Image
    collecting data
    observing nature
    using a model
    taking measurements
  • Q2
    A scientist used a model to predict the path of a hurricane. The hurricane followed a similar path but did not follow the exact path that was predicted. What is the most likely reason the model did not predict the path exactly?
    The facts and data used in the model were incorrect.
    Models should not be used to study weather events.
    The model used was too complex to be of any help in making a prediction.
    The model cannot account for how every factor may suddenly change.
  • Q3
    Scientists were studying the trout in a lake. They recorded the weight and sex of each trout and then released the trout. The graph below shows the results of the study. Which question could the graph be used to answer?
    Question Image
    What was the most common weight range?
    What was the weight of the heaviest trout?
    How does weight change as a trout grows?
    How many trout weighed exactly 5 lb?
  • Q4
    Early astronomers made valid discoveries by observing the night sky with simple telescopes. Which statement applies to these early discoveries?
    Observations of the night sky with simple telescopes are not enough to make valid discoveries.
    Discoveries about the night sky were not made until astronomers used complicated scientific equipment.
    Not all scientific knowledge about the night sky comes from experiments.
    Data from modern telescopes has disproved early observations of the night sky.
  • Q5
    Which scientific investigation does not include outcome and test variables?
    counting bird populations
    investigating the effect of mass on the speed at which an object falls
    testing a model car in a wind tunnel to minimize air flow resistance and maximize fuel economy
    studying the effect of temperature on bacterial reproduction rates
  • Q6
    Jason wants to know how far a shot-putter from the track team can throw a shot. During the experiment, Jason measures test and outcome variables. The drawings below show three trials from the experiment. Assuming the shot-putter hurls the shot with the same force each time, what is the test variable?
    Question Image
    force exerted on the shot
    angle at which shot is thrown
    distance traveled by the shot
    time it takes shot to hit the ground
  • Q7
    Jim investigates how far a shot-putter from the track team can throw a shot. He measures the values of outcome and test variables. The drawings below show three trials from the experiment. Assuming the shot-putter hurls the shot with the same force each time, what is the outcome variable?
    Question Image
    time it takes the shot to hit the ground
    force exerted on the shot
    angle at which the shot is thrown
    distance traveled by the shot
  • Q8
    Why do many experiments include several trials as opposed to a single trial?
    Repetition of trials lets the experimenter spend less time making observations.
    Repetition of trials increases the sample size of the data.
    Repetition of trials makes data easier to analyze.
    Repetition of trials lets the experimenter change procedures to make the experiment simpler.
  • Q9
    A physicist at a respected research laboratory reports a startling new discovery. Her conclusions are based on data from many trials. However, other scientists are unable to reproduce the results of the experiment. Which statement tells why the original experiment might be faulty?
    The results are announced to the public.
    The conclusions are based on multiple trials.
    The experiment does not include sophisticated equipment.
    The experimental results cannot be reproduced.
  • Q10
    Which of these items likely has the most empirical evidence supporting it?
  • Q11
    Which of the following is a way to gather empirical evidence?
    conduct research on the Internet and in textbooks
    make first-person observations during an experiment
    read reports from other experiments that have some of the same variables as your experiments
    gather opinions from classmates, teachers, and scientists
  • Q12
    The kinetic theory of matter uses the motions of particles to explain why gases expand and contract at different temperatures. The figure below illustrates what happens to the same amount of gas when the temperature of the gas changes. Based on the figure above, what would be an accurate explanation be based on the kinetic theory?
    Question Image
    The number of a gas particles decreases at higher temperatures.
    Gas particles move more slowly and get closer together at higher temperatures.
    Gas particles move faster and farther apart at higher temperatures.
    The number of gas particles increases at higher temperatures.
  • Q13
    The figure below illustrates a concept related to the kinetic theory of matter, which describes the behavior of gases based on the motions of the particles. How would the kinetic theory explain what is happening in the above example?
    The balloon gets smaller as the temperature of the gas inside it increases, because the gas particles move more slowly and get closer together.
    The balloon gets bigger as the temperature of the gas inside it increases, because the gas particles move faster and get farther apart.
    The balloon gets bigger as the temperature of the gas inside it increases.
    The balloon gets smaller as the temperature of the gas inside it increases.
  • Q14
    The figures below show how the idea of the atom has changed over time. Which of the following statements best describes how the idea of what atoms may look like has changed?
    Scientists always thought atoms were made of smaller particles.
    Scientists once thought positively charged particles orbit a negatively charged center, and later they reversed the picture.
    Scientists realized that all positive charge was located at the center of the atom and negatively charged particles, called electrons, moved about it.
    Scientists realized atoms were bigger then previously thought.
  • Q15
    Kathleen diagrams how scientific knowledge changes over time. She draws a flowchart similar to the one below. scientific idea = new data + ? = modified idea
    change data
    scientific law
    form an opinion

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