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Quiz by Sandra Mae Amorganda

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    What does the video wanted to convey?

     Social Discrimination                                                                      

    Invaders and colonizers throughout the Philippine history 

    The effect of poverty in education due to the pandemic               

    Climate change and environment conservation 

  • Q2

    The following factors verified the truthfulness of the material watched, except

    Other valid references and data are used as basis of the ideas 

     The content of the material is given less priority. 

    The credibility of the content creator is confirmed.                                     

    The ideas of the material exactly provide factual information.                    

  • Q3

    What makes the material presented truthful?

    gives details to stories             

    supplies rumors of the current issue 

    provides some fictions                    

    gives the accurate information          

  • Q4

    From the information given on the material viewed, what societal issue is depicted


    Environmental Problem 

    Child Abuse 


  • Q5

    Is the issue provided relevant? How do you say so?

    Yes. The information connects to what is happening in the society 

    Yes. The information connects to what is currently happening in the society.        

    No. The information has concealed the fact of the issue or topic 

    No. The information is not useful for the viewer or reader. 


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