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English for Academic and Professional Purposes - Division 1st Quarter Examination


Grade 11-12
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Philippines Curriculum: SHS Applied Subjects (MELC)

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  • Q1

    1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the language used in academic texts?

     It is technical because it employs discipline-specific terminology.

     It avoids colloquial or conversational language, including contractions and informal terminology.

     It is impersonal and objective, because it avoids direct reference to individuals or emotions, focusing instead on objects, facts, and concepts.

     It uses figurative language to deliver a different meaning from the literal one. 

  • Q2

    2. How can you make your writing more formal through the vocabulary that you use?

    D. Choose formal instead of informal vocabulary.

    A. Choose figures of speech.

    C. Choose active voice and vivid verbs.

    B. Choose appropriate words.

  • Q3

    3. Which of the following strategies can you NOT use in writing objectively?

    B. Avoid evaluative terms based on non-technical opinions and emotions.

    A. Emphasize things and ideas, not people and feelings.

    C. Include personal thoughts, interpretations, viewpoints, feelings, and judgment.

    D. Find authors, researchers, and theorists in books or articles who agree with your point of view and can back it up.

  • Q4

    4. Which of the following statements is formal?”

    D. “We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to adverse weather conditions.”

    A. “I'm sorry, but the weather will delay the delivery.

    B. “Sorry, but the delivery will be late because of the weather.”

    C. “Sorry, the weather is not nice. Your delivery will be delayed.”

  • Q5

    5. Which of the following statements is subjective?

    C. Places that are close to the equator do not have cold winters.

    B. The temperature outside is around 30°C.

    A. This carpet is my favorite color of red.

    D. Even though I don’t like folk music, many professional folk musicians are objectively skilled players.

  • Q6

    6. Which of the following parts of an academic text explains how you have conducted your research and what you have done to fulfill your aim and answer your research questions?

    A. Aim

    C. Methodology

    D. Research Questions

    B. Introduction

  • Q7

    7. Directions for building a birdhouse are an example of which structure?

    B. Sequence order

    D. Compare and contrast

    A. Descriptive

    C. Problem Solution

  • Q8

    8. Which text structure uses the following signal words: as well as, either, similar to?

    A. Descriptive

    D. Compare and contrast

    B. Sequence order

    C.  Cause and effect

  • Q9

    9. Which text structure uses the following signal words: because of, since, as a result of?

    C. Sequence order

    D. Compare and contrast

    A. Descriptive

    B. Cause and effect

  • Q10

    10. Which text structure explains why something happened and the results that followed?

    D. Compare and contrast

    B. Cause and effect

    A. Descriptive

    C. Sequence order

  • Q11

    11. Which text structure explains how something happens in a story that results in a chain reaction?

    D.  Problem Solution

    A. Descriptive

    B. Sequence order 

    C. Cause and effect

  • Q12

    12. "It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist." Which choice best describes how the passage is organized?

    C. Cause and effect

    A. Descriptive

    D. Problem Solution

    B. Sequence order

  • Q13

    13.  "It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon and I knew I was late. An hour later, all of the people were leaving for the game. I stopped to ask one of them where the game was, and he said that in about 12 minutes, the game will start down the block."

    Which choice best describes how the passage is organized?

    A. Descriptive

    D. Problem Solution

    C. Cause and effect

    B. Sequence order 

  • Q14

    14. Students have become obsessed with following the trend as a result of social media. To solve this, parents and schools should work together to guide students. There should be intentional programs in the school and community to divert students' attention.

    Which choice best describes how the passage is organized?

    A.  Descriptive

    D. Problem Solution

    B. Sequence order 

    C. Cause and effect

  • Q15

    15. The continent measures 3,300 miles at its widest point, from St. John's, Newfoundland, to the Pacific Coast. From Alaska to Mexico, the continent extends 4,900 miles. Europe is made up of many small nations. Unlike it, North America is composed of only three large nations: Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

    Which opening sentence goes best with the details in the above paragraph?

    B . Canada is the largest country in North America.

    A. Mexico is best known for dry, hot summers.

    D. North America truly stretches "from sea to shining sea"!

    C. The countries of North America formed NAFTA.


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