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Quiz by Nashy M

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What can help you feel more prepared before starting a task?
    Wait until you feel completely ready
    Create a plan or checklist
    Wing it and figure it out as you go
    Don't think about it too much
  • Q2
    What is a helpful mindset to adopt when starting something new?
    Avoid taking risks
    Expect immediate results
    Focus on progress, not perfection
    Seek approval from others
  • Q3
    What is a common misconception about starting something new?
    You should always wait for the perfect moment
    You need to have everything figured out before you start
    Starting is easy for everyone else
    You should only start if you have all the resources you need
  • Q4
    What is a helpful way to build confidence before starting a new task?
    Distract yourself and don't think about the task
    Focus on past failures and mistakes
    Ask others for their opinion
    Recall past successes and accomplishments
  • Q5
    What is a helpful way to stay motivated when starting a new task?
    Don't take breaks until the task is complete
    Punish yourself for mistakes
    Push yourself too hard and ignore your needs
    Take breaks and reward yourself for progress
  • Q6
    What is a helpful way to deal with the fear of starting?
    Blame others for the fear
    Acknowledge the fear and take action anyway
    Deny the fear and avoid the task
    Wait for the fear to go away on its own
  • Q7
    What is a helpful way to approach mistakes when starting something new?
    See them as personal failures and give up
    Blame someone else for the mistakes
    Ignore them and move on
    See them as learning opportunities
  • Q8
    What is a helpful strategy for facing your fear of starting?
    Avoid thinking about the task
    Pretend the task isn't important
    Visualize failure and give up
    Visualize yourself succeeding
  • Q9
    What is a common reason for having a fear of starting?
    Fear of failure
    Lack of motivation
    Lack of resources
    Lack of time
  • Q10
    What is one way to overcome the fear of starting?
    Break the task into smaller, manageable pieces
    Avoid the task altogether
    Procrastinate until you feel ready
    Ask someone else to do it for you

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