Erosion and Deposition
Quiz by Alexander Shannon
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23 questions
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- Q1is the process by which soil and sediment (weathered rock) are transported (moved) from one place to another by water (freshwater and ocean waves), wind, glaciers, and gravityErosion30s
- Q2is the process in which weathered rock and soil are laid down or dropped by wind, water, glaciers, or gravityDeposition30s
- Q3This agent is considered the main agent of erosion and moves an enormous amount of weathered rock and soil creating some of the most impressive landforms on EarthWater30s
- Q4This fan-shaped deposit of weathered rock and soil that is created when a river's current slows when it empties into a large body of water, such as a lake or an ocean- landform created by moving waterDelta30s
- Q5This is a fan-shaped deposit of weathered rock and soil that is created when a fast-moving mountain stream flows onto a flat plain (forms on dry land)- landform created by moving waterAlluvial fan30s
- Q6This agent of erosion and deposition pounds against the shoreline braking rock apart creating sand. It deposits sand to form beaches. It also moves or erodes sand away from beaches.Ocean Waves30s
- Q7Area of the shoreline made up of materials (sand, rock fragments, dead coral, shells) deposited by ocean waves-landform created by ocean wavesBeaches30s
- Q8is an exposed ridge (landform) that is created from offshore deposits of sand, gravel or shell material-landform created by ocean wavesSandbar30s
- Q9Narrow island usually made of sand that forms offshore parallel to the shoreline that protects the shoreline by absorbing the energy of waves and storms- landform created by ocean wavesBarrier Island30s
- Q10This agent causes erosion by lifting weathered rock particles and blowing them away. These small particles can be carried miles before they are dropped. It also smashes sand against rock surfaces to cause weathering.Wind30s
- Q11are very fine sediments that are deposited when wind drops that sediment it is carrying - very fertile and rich in nutrients, great for farming- landform created by windLoess30s
- Q12is a mound of wind-deposited sand that keeps its shape even though it moves- Landform created by windSand dunes30s
- Q13This agent erode rock and soil as they grind slowly over Earth's surface. They can form U-Shaped valleys. This agent is an enormous mass of moving ice.Glaciers30s
- Q14unsorted rock material this is deposited directly by melting glacier-A type of glacial deposited-landform created by glaciersTill30s
- Q15is a ridge of sediment and rock left behind when a glacier melts- it is the most common till deposits- Landform created by glaciersMoraine30s