Español 2 - Vocabulario Unidad 5 4/27 & 4/28/2020
Quiz by Araceli Fernandez
High School
Languages Other Than English (Level II)
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
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42 questions
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- Q1Meaning of: esquiar en la nieveto skateto snow-skito water-skito swim60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q2Meaning of: la playableachplayplayerbeach60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q3Meaning of: la pielleatherskinall options60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q4Meaning of: la primaverawinterautumnspringsummer60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q5Meaning of: el otoñoautumnsummerwinterspring60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q6Meaning of: el inviernowinterspringsummerautumn60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q7Meaning of: quemar(se)to swimto quitto waterto burn (oneself)60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q8Meaning of: la conchashopboatshellsell60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q9Meaning of: el caracolcarCaracasshellsun60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q10Meaning of: la toallatowelseaboatsand60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q11Meaning of: la arenaseashoreboatsand60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q12Meaning of: el maroceanboatseabeach60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q13Meaning of: el océanobeachseaoceanshore60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q14Meaning of: la albercaswimming poolseashoreboat60s114.40.C.2.C
- Q15Meaning of: la piscinaswimming poolseashoreboat60s114.40.C.2.C