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Ethics & Journalism

Quiz by Orla

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What term is used for news that is delivered straight without deviation?
    Soft news
    Hard News
  • Q2
    What did John Stuart Mills class as the most important ethical element?
    Do not steal
    Do not kill
    Happiness for the greater good of the many
    Protect yourself regardless of consequence
  • Q3
    You just finished an interview with a new source and then received an email saying that the source has tried to add you as a friend on Facebook. You:
    You block them - who the hell do they think they are?
    Do not accecpt - it is not morally correct
    You accept - there are no rules around this
    You wait until the article publishes then you accecpt
  • Q4
    While trying to transcribe the audio from an interview with a source, you accidentally erase your recording. You call your source to schedule another interview, but she won't have time before your deadline. You can't really make out the notes you took, as you were relying on the audio. Do you?
    Use only the bits you are fairly sure you remember
    Tell your editor you lost your notes, but everything is exactly as was said.
    Scrap it
    Use it - you actually do remember what she said
  • Q5
    Ethical journalism remains the same regardless of the form or medium.
    It applies differently for different mediums
    TV is totally different
  • Q6
    As long as journalists act within their legal rights, they are acting ethically.
    Untrue - Legaity and ethics are not the same
    If you don't break the law its all G
    Legalities and ethics are the same
  • Q7
    News media should not identify victims of sexual assault. True or false?
    Yes you can - it's called balanced reporting
    Yes they can if the victim has waived their anonymity.
    No it can not be done ever.
    If the person who committed the act goes to prison, then you can identify the victim.
  • Q8
    You are writing a piece about petty theft by an elderly person, (He stole bread and milk from Tesco) who lost his home and money due to bank repossession. He is a widower with no children, has no money, and is known to be sleeping in a shed. Do you omit the fact that this is not his first theft?
    You can allude to the other thefts, but you can paint the picture to favor him.
    Your job is to report the facts
    What if the roles were reversed? How would I feel - you have editorial control.
    Report the facts but be vague about the history.
  • Q9
    You have a tip-off that your local TD is having an affair with his PA and they have been seen enjoying expensive restaurants. But he was great with helping your granny get disabled parking outside her house when she became wheelchair bound. Do you?
    Your job is to avoid unfounded speculation, it is likely this is true, he is a lovely man.
    Find the truth and do your job - you are a journalist and this is in the public interest.
    Investigate find the truth and then decide.
    You know it's true - you saw them having dinner this is in the public interest.
  • Q10
    You have the opportunity to question someone directly after a tragic accident, the person is in shock, and you have told them you sometimes write stuff for online. They tell you what happened, and who was at fault - Do you?
    Explain to the person that you are a journalist - ask them if you can call them later?
    Ensure that they are safe with Gardai and get on to social media and tell the story before any media can get to it first.
    Call your editor and tell her/him you have a scoop?
    Write up the story as fast as possible and pitch it to as many news organisations as you can?

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