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Ethics Quiz

Quiz by R K

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    Are both male and female teachers protected from being sexually harassed?
    Yes, according to Ethics code 2.8: the educator shall not intentionally or knowingly subject a colleague to sexual harassment.
    No, according to Ethics code 2.8: the educator shall not intentionally or knowingly subject a male colleague to sexual harassment.
    Yes, according to Ethics code 2.8: the educator shall not intentionally or knowingly subject a colleague to sexual harassment unless they are "asking for it."
    No, according to Ethics code 2.8: the educator shall not intentionally or knowingly subject a female colleague to sexual harassment .
  • Q2
    Does it violate the Educators code of Ethics if a teacher sends another teacher a naked picture of themselves?
    Yes, because this is considered sexual harassment.
    No, because the teacher is not sending it to a student.
    Yes, because the receiving teacher winked at the sender at school.
    No, because the teacher isn't showing their face.
  • Q3
    Mrs. Robinson is a 5th grade teacher and frequently misses PLC meetings and isn't held accountable because she is dating the 5th grade team lead Mr. Spindler. Is this a violation of Ethics standard 2.6?
    Yes, because educators shall not use coercive means or promise of special treatment to influence professional decisions or colleagues.
    Yes, but only because she didn't ask her principal.
    No, because they are in love and this has nothing to do with ethics.
    No, because if the team lead doesn't care she can do whatever she wants.
  • Q4
    Ms. Kateley knows information about Mrs. Senf's affair and is threatening to tell her husband if she doesn't help her cheat on the STARR. Is this a violation of the teacher code of ethics?
    No, because Mrs. Senf is in an open relationship with her husband so it doesn't matter.
    Yes, because Standard 2.6 states the educator shall not use coercive means or promise of special treatment in order to influence professional decisions or colleagues.
    No, because we all want our students to be successful.
    Yes, because this is not a kind thing to do and she has no right to out Mrs. Senf's affair.

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