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Europe and Russia

Quiz by Jason Slaughter

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24 questions
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  • Q1
    A nation with a majority of the same ethnic group or religion
    Nation State
  • Q2
    A group of people with a common identity, such as religion, race or customs.
    Ethnic Group
  • Q3
    When countries give up some of their power to benefit the greater good.
    Supranational Cooperation
  • Q4
    An invisible force that brings apart people or a large group. (especially countries.)
    Centrifugal Force
  • Q5
    An invisible force that brings people together.
    Centripetal Force
  • Q6
    Rain that combines with harmful substances such as sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide.
    Acid Rain
  • Q7
    A political and economical organization formed after World War 2, reducing trade barriers and promoting international cooperation.
    European Union
  • Q8
    A feeling of pride to your country.
  • Q9
    An international organization made after World War 2 to promote peace, security and cooperation.
    United Nations
  • Q10
    Pollution that originated in a country and later spread to another country.
    Trans-boundary pollution
  • Q11
    European Unions common market
    Economic Cooperation
  • Q12
    The sum of the amount of money a country makes.
    Gross Domestic Product
  • Q13
    People in the EU think of themselves as the citizens of the country they were born in in Europe, but the EU wants them to think of themselves as the citizens of the EU.
    The effect of cultural differences in the EU
  • Q14
    The major cause of acid rain is people building taller smokestacks in factories, cars and other sources of pollution.
    Major cause of acid rain.
  • Q15
    An Nation State is multiple ethnic groups while an ethnic group are people with similar identities and religion.
    How does a nation state differ from an ethnic group?

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