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Evaluating Educational Technology

Quiz by Elisha Mae Felicidario

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  • Q1

    As a process of analyzing alternative technologies that provides information and help the actors involved in developing their goals.

    Evaluating Educational Technology


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  • Q2

     It is simply important for teachers to not evaluate the instructional materials to be used before, during and after class discussion. 

    True or False
  • Q3

    includes multiple choice essay, short answer, true-or-false, fill in the blanks and matching type.

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  • Q4

    is also known as embedded assessment. Portfolio assessment is considered as a long term assignment in which students can see and discover their own strength and weaknesses which they can improve as they go along the process of learning

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  • Q5

    Traditional Assessment is based on authentic learning which is project-based learning (PBL) which engages students in real- world projects where they are given a significant task to fulfill. o Students are likewise given an opportunity to construct their own knowledge, solve problems, and create realistic projects.

    True or False
  • Q6

    On your own opinion, why  Evaluating Educational Technology plays a vital role to the classroom set up? 

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