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Evolution through Natural Selection Test

Quiz by Chrissy Smith

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32 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is an example of evolution through natural selection that has occurred in a relatively short amount of time?
    Peacocks - Females always choose the male with the brightest colored feathers. A few thousand years ago, not all males were brightly colored, and now these are rare.
    Birds evolved from a group of dinosaurs known as maniraptoran theropods-generally small meat-eating dinosaurs that include Velociraptor of Jurassic Park fame
    Bacteria, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), becoming resistant to antibiotics.
    Darwin's Finches - The finches on the Galapagos Islands have all developed different beaks. Originally, the finches had large beaks for cracking large nuts.
  • Q2
    Charles Darwin was credited for writing the biological theory of _____________.
    evolution and the descent of man
    evolution by adaptations
    evolution by natural selection
    inheritance by independent assortment
  • Q3
    The drawing represents the forelimbs of several vertebrates. Which statement best describes the relationship of these organisms?
    Question Image
    The structures are homologous; the organisms do not have a common ancestor.
    The structures are homologous; the organisms have a common ancestor.
    The structures are analogous; the organisms do not have a common ancestor.
    The structures are analogous; the organisms have a common ancestor
  • Q4
    Arctic hares are adapted to live in cold environments such as the Arctic. Scientific studies indicate that human activities contribute to a rise in the average global air temperature,resulting in a decrease in Arctic snow cover. Which statement explains how the changing arctic environment will most likely affect the population of arctic hares in winter?
    Question Image
    The population will decrease because environmental factors will reduce the ability of hares to hide from predators.
    The population will decrease because genetic factors will reduce the ability of hares to survive in a warmer environment.
    The population will increase because genetic factors will increase the number of hares that survive and reproduce.
    The population will increase because environmental factors will increase the availability of food for hares.
  • Q5
    Students are studying fossilized animals from the bottom of an ancient lake. The students make drawings of the fossilized animals. One student claims that the fossilized animals are related to living animals. Which statement best supports the student’s claim?
    Question Image
    The fossilized animals are made of rocky materials that are similar to those in the bones of living animals.
    The fossilized animals show signs of having once lived in habitats that are similar to the habitats of living animals.
    The fossilized animals have body sizes that are similar to the body sizes of living animals.
    The fossilized animals have body shapes and parts that are similar to the body shapes and parts of living animals.
  • Q6
    A population of birds lives in an ecosystem containing plants that produce different-sized seeds. There is genetic diversity among the individual birds in the population. The table shows the different genetic combinations determining sizes of bird beaks. After a long drought (period without rain) in the ecosystem, only plants with small-sized seeds are able to produce seeds. Which statement describes the effect that the drought would most likely have on the large beaked bird population?
    Question Image
    Individuals with BB would be less likely to survive because their food source would be less available.
    Individuals with bb would be less likely to survive because their food source has less energy than large-size seeds.
    Individuals with Bb would be more likely to survive because they can consume large-sized and small-sized seeds.
    Individuals with BB would be more likely to survive because they can fill their beaks with many small seeds.
  • Q7
    Finches are a type of bird that eat mostly nuts. Because of this, all finches have hard beaks. However, not every beak is the same. If a finch is born with an exceptionally hard beak, this can be a survival advantage. How is a harder beak an advantage?
    Question Image
    A harder beak would allow the finch to use it to burrow even deeper into trees foraging for insects.
    A harder beak will allow the finch to fly faster and farther than before.
    A harder beak will provide a reproductive advantage.
    A harder beak would allow the finch to crack open even the hardest shells, meaning it has a bigger food supply than most.
  • Q8
    Which of the following terms means change over time?
    survival of the fittest
  • Q9
    Individuals that have physical or behavioral traits that better suit the environment, which allows for survival and more successful reproduction is a major component in the theory of
    punctuated equilibrium
    the law of use and disuse
    natural selection
    none of the above
  • Q10
    An inherited trait that has become common in a population is an example of
  • Q11
    The voyage of The Beagle took Darwin to the
    Question Image
    the coast of Australia
    the Galapagos Islands
    all of the above because he sailed around the world
    the South American continent
  • Q12
    All of the finches Charles Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands
    had the same shaped beaks
    sang the same kind of song
    shared a common ancestor
    behaved the same way
  • Q13
    This image shows four different finches Charles Darwin found while on the Galapagos Islands. Which of these would be the most adapted to eating small insects found in tiny holes of trees?
    Question Image
    Finch 3
    Finch 4
    Finch 1
    Finch 2
  • Q14
    The formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution is known as ____________.
    natural selection
  • Q15
    Slight differences in an inherited trait of individual members of a species is known as ______________.
    natural selection

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