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Exam 2 Review #1

Quiz by ascrombie

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  • Q1
    When checking a patient’s pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, the nurse inflates the balloon as ordered, not inflating the balloon for more than 8 to 10 seconds. The patient asks the rationale behind the nurse’s actions. Which statement should the nurse make?
    “Prolonged inflation can obstruct blood flow, resulting in ischemia.”
    “Prolonged inflation will reduce tension on the pulmonary artery wall.”
    “Prolonged inflation increases the risk of catheter balloon rupture.”
    “Prolonged inflation increases the likelihood of thermistor damage.”
  • Q2
    The nurse is caring for a patient who is being monitored with a central venous catheter. In preparing to record a right atrial pressure reading, what is most important for the nurse to keep in mind when recording an accurate value?
    Low pressures indicate ventricular dysfunction
    Zero referencing is not needed before every recording
    Record the pressure at the end of expiration
    High pressures are likely to indicate hypovolemia
  • Q3
    The nurse is orienting a new RN to the ICU. The nurse begins to review orders recently entered by the cardiologist and to explain their rationale to the new RN. Medication orders include dobutamine (Dobutrex) 400 mg in 250 mL 5% dextrose in water titrated to keep cardiac index >2 L/min/m2. Which statement by the new RN indicates that teaching has been effective?
    “The cardiac index is the amount of blood ejected with each ventricular contraction.”
    “The cardiac index is the amount of blood pumped out by a ventricle per minute.”
    “The cardiac index is the measurement specific to the patient’s size or body area.”
    “The cardiac index is the pressure created by the volume of blood in the left heart.”
  • Q4
    The nurse is caring for a patient in shock. Which is a priority action by the nurse?
    Prevent third-spacing of fluids
    Support mechanical ventilation
    Maintain adequate tissue perfusion
    Ensure adequate cellular hydration
  • Q5
    The nurse is caring for a patient with possible distributive shock. Which should the nurse look for on assessment?
    Blood loss and actual hypovolemia
    Decreased cardiac output
    Third-spacing of fluids into peritoneal space
    Vasodilation and relative hypovolemia
  • Q6
    The nurse is caring for a patient with hypovolemia. Which large volume crystalloid solution should the nurse anticipate the health care provider to order?
    5% dextrose
    0.45% normal saline
    0.9% Normal saline
  • Q7
    The nurse is caring for a patient getting peritoneal dialysis. The patient complains of abdominal pain, chills, and nausea. The dialysate return is cloudy. The nurse notifies the provider that the patient is exhibiting symptoms of:
    catheter blockage
    mechanical dysfunction of the dialysate
    intolerance of peritoneal fluid volume
  • Q8
    The patient is admitted for general malaise and low urine output. The patient is alert and oriented and states that he has lost 5 pounds over the past few days. His heart rate is 124 beats/min. His blood pressure is 88/40 mm Hg. His mouth is dry and he has flat neck veins and poor skin turgor. The nurse interprets that his low urine output is due to:
    prerenal causes
    fluid overload
    intrarenal causes
  • Q9
    The nurse anticipates hyperventilation in patients with renal failure as a compensatory mechanism for:
    metabolic acidosis
    volume deficits
    uremic toxins
  • Q10
    Which of the following nursing actions is most important for a patient with acute kidney injury?
    Restrict fluids to 200 mL per day
    Maintain accurate intake, output, and daily weight measurements
    Obtain a drug trough level immediately after an antibiotic is administered
    Insert an indwelling urinary catheter

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