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Exam Practice Questions Early Years-476

Quiz by Haley Sparrow

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16 questions
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  • Q1
    1. How did innovations such as irrigation, aqueducts, and improved farm techniques transform civilizations?
    Innovations decreased the size of cities.
    Innovations required smaller herds and less livestock.
    Innovations increased the numbers of hunters and gatherers.
    Innovations made it possible to expand settlements at arid locations.
  • Q2
    Legalism: belief that leaders should rule with force Confucianism: The ruler bears responsibility for the well-being of the people and, therefore, for peace and order in the empire.
    Farmers became less dependent on government subsidies and support.
    Government leaders became concerned with the condition of China’s citizens.
    Military leaders became more important than educators and priests.
    Merchants became concerned with the economic issues affecting China’s citizens.
  • Q3
    Hammurabi was the King of Babylon from 1792 BCE to 1750 BCE. Hammurabi wrote The Code of Hammurabi, the oldest set of laws known to exist, which was made up of 282 laws. The code was carved in stone for all to see and read. Facts about The Code of Hammurabi: The was the first written code- people could see it. This increased people’s ability to read. The code treated women fairly. The harsh punishments made civilizations safer. The code reinforced class structure- punishments were different for the different classes. Based on the above information, how did Hammurabi help to transform society?
    His laws got rid of the existing class system.
    He required that every class be punished equally.
    His laws were written to include women.
    He required that every class be punished equally. He continued the practice of treating women differently from men.
  • Q4
    As restrictions and prohibitions are multiplied in the Empire, the people grow poorer and poorer. When the people are subjected to overmuch government, the land is thrown into confusion...The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be. Therefore the Sage says: “So long as I do nothing, the people will work out their own reformation. So long as I love the calm, the people will right themselves. If only I keep from meddling, the people will grow rich. If only I am free from desire, the people will come naturally back to simplicity.” -The Sayings of Lao-Tzu: Government Courtesy of the Internet Sacred Text Archive What were Lao-Tzu’s views on government?
    Lao-Tzu believed that only people from the upper class were fit to govern.
    Lao-Tzu felt that regulations on trade would lead to more people becoming rich.
    Lao-Tzu advocated for limited government involvement in people’s everyday lives.
    Lao-Tzu thought that people were naturally evil and needed many laws to govern their behavior.
  • Q5
    The Chinese civilization began along the Yellow River basin around 1700 BCE and soon spread along other rivers in China. Yellow River floods enriched the surrounding soils, allowing farmers to produce surplus crops and domesticate animals. Yellow River floods often destroyed early settlements and ruined crop production for years. How did geography affect the development of Chinese civilization?
    The natural resources of China encouraged Chinese farmers to create artificial rivers, like the Yellow River, where they could produce crops.
    The growth of Chinese civilization was slowed by the Yellow River and it only flourished when people moved away from rivers.
    The natural resources of China encouraged Chinese people to build massive public works projects to benefit the poor.
    The growth of Chinese civilization depended on the Yellow River, but the Yellow River also brought suffering to Chinese people.
  • Q6
    Based on the map, which best describes how physical features of Egypt affected its development?
    Question Image
    The Mediterranean Sea bordered the major cities.
    Many large cities developed along the Nile River.
    The Red Sea provided Lower Egypt with a barrier from attack.
    Large cities were created in the Western Desert.
  • Q7
    All south from this is named the Middle Kingdom...The people...have not to...attend any magistrates and their rules; only those who cultivate the royal land have to pay (a portion of) the grain from it...The king governs without...corporal punishments. Criminals are simply fined, lightly, or heavily, according to the circumstances (of each case). A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms by Faxian, translated by James Legge, 1886 But in Crete...all the fruits of the earth, of cattle, of the public portion is assigned to the gods and to the service of the state, and another to the common meals, so that men, women, and children are all supported out of a common stock. The Politics of Aristotle, translated by Benjamin Jowett, 1885 Based on the excerpts, how did the responsibilities of citizens in the Middle Kingdom compare to those citizens of Crete?
    Citizens of the Middle Kingdom had to pay a portion of their crops only if they used royal land, but in Crete everyone had to pay a portion to the state.
    In both kingdoms, citizens were required to contribute a portion of their crops to provide food for citizens in the kingdom in which they lived.
    Citizens of the Middle Kingdom had to pay a portion of their crops to their government, while in Crete only citizens in the highest social class had to make a contribution.
    In both kingdoms, citizens had to grow crops on royal land and give proceeds to the king, who distributed them evenly among citizens of the kingdom.
  • Q8
    Hail to thee, O Nile? Who...comes to give life to Egypt!...Watering the orchards created by Re, to cause all the cattle to live, you give the earth to drink, inexhaustible one!...Lord of the fish, during the inundation, no bird alights on the crops. You create the grain, you bring forth the barley, assuring perpetuity to the temples. If you cease your toil and your work, then all that exists is in anguish. If the gods suffer in heaven, then the faces of men waste away. “Hymn to the Nile” by Ennana c.2100 BCE, translated by Paul Guieysse, 1889 Which values of ancient Egyptian civilization are reflected in “Hymn to the Nile”?
    Ancient Egyptians valued the desert land that they lived on and believed that it would provide them with crops.
    Ancient Egyptians valued the Nile River and believed that it brought life to the land.
    Ancient Egyptians valued their military and believed that the military would protect farmers.
    Ancient Egyptians valued the pharaoh and believed that he controlled the Nile River which made the crops grow.
  • Q9
    [Baghdad straddled] the banks of the [River] Tigris...The water exists, both on the north and the south, were, like the city gates, guarded night and day by relays of soldiers stationed in the watch towers on both sides of the river. Every household was plentifully supplied with water “at all seasons” by the numerous aqueducts which intersected the town… A Short History of the Saracens, by Syed Ameer Ali, 1899 Based on the excerpt, how did the city’s location on a river influence its development?
    The river provided an easily accessible supply of water that was transported throughout the city via aqueducts.
    Because of the river, traders were easily able to access Baghdad from throughout the region.
    The river provided a supply of fish that could be traded throughout the region for other goods.
    The river provided a natural barrier to protect Baghdad from invasion by enemies.
  • Q10
    A single population of modern humans migrated from southern Siberia...and crossed over to the Americas 16,500 years ago...Sites all around the provide more promising indications that the earliest Americans spread throughout the continent at least 14,500 years ago. Currently, the oldest claim for human settlement in the Americas lies at the Topper Site in South Carolina, dating back to about 15,000 years ago. “Other Migration Theories” Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, National Park Service Based on the text, how did the migration of the first people in America affect the region?
    They continued to use common languages and cultural practices.
    They came from different regions and fought over territory.
    They populated areas throughout the modern United States.
    They quickly developed permanent settlements in the Americas.
  • Q11
    Ancient Roman Cultural Achievements: Roman architectural styles are found throughout the world. Roman law is the basis for legal practice in Europe, former European Colonies, and Latin America. Roman roads, called the greatest engineering accomplishment of their time, are still used in some places today Roman art was the inspiration for many works during the Renaissance period. Which statement is consistent with the cultural influence of Ancient Rome on other civilizations?
    Rome has had an enduring impact on modern civilizations.
    Rome has had a lasting impact on the modern art period.
    The Romans greatly influenced Greek society.
    The Romans greatly influenced early African societies
  • Q12
    How did geographic features influence the diffusion and settlement of both the Phoenician and Greek traders?
    Russia’s rivers provided ease of travel.
    The monsoon winds made ocean travel easier.
    The arid climate encouraged migration.
    Both had access to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Q13
    The epilogue of justice which Hammurabi, the wise king, established; a righteous law, and pious statute did he teach the land… the decisions which have made him will this inscription show him; let him rule his subjects accordingly, speak justice to them, give right decisions, root out the miscreants and criminals from this land, and grant prosperity to his subjects. Hammurabi, the king of righteousness, on whom Shamash has conferred right (or law) am I. My words are well considered; my deeds are not equaled; to bring low those that were high; to humble the proud, to expel insolence. Code of Hammurabi, Epilogue How did implementation of codified laws such as the Code of Hammurabi affect the people of ancient societies?
    It limited the role of the government in the lives of citizens.
    It established the separation of government and religion.
    It reduced the authority of the king over the citizens.
    It unified the various peoples and laws within the empire.
  • Q14
    Which geographic features determined the location of the early civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and India?
    Fertile soils and plains
    Oceans and coastlines
    Rivers and valleys
    Rainy seasons and forests
  • Q15
    How did Pericles influence the functioning of Athenian government?
    He greatly strengthened the authority of military leaders in society.
    He increased the salaries of government officials.
    He introduced representative democracy
    He expanded direct democracy to new classes of free men.

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