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Exam Review (Allied with Green + Mississippi Solo)

Quiz by Janette Salinas

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  • Q1

    Which of the following is not a characteristic of memoir?

    talking to the reader

    verbs in many tenses

    first-person narrative

    memorable events

  • Q2
    What is a "verb tense shift"?

    when you use both present and past in the same sentence

    when you change tenses in the middle of a sentence 

    when you mix future tenses with present tenses in two sentences

    when a verb tense changes in a single piece of writing

  • Q3

    What are verb tense shifts used for in a memoir?

    to show the author is writing about the past

    to explain to the reader that the memories happened a long time ago

    to indicate when the action is happening 

    to emphasize how vivid a memory is

  • Q4

    What characteristic of memoir is evident here?

    After that, I just felt so frustrated. What else could I have done?

    talk to the reader

    informal language

    sensory language

    sharing personal feelings

  • Q5

    What characteristics of memoir is evident here?

    Everyone knows it’s the best way. That’s what you would have done, right?

    sensory language 

    sharing personal feelings

    talk to the reader

    informal language 

  • Q6

    What characteristics of memoir is evident here?

    Well there wasn’t technically any emergency. Ya know?

    sharing personal feelings

    informal language

    talking to the readers

    sensory language

  • Q7

    What characteristic of memoir is evident here?

    The rain beat down on my umbrella and soggy socks were squishing in my shoes.

    sharing personal information

    informal language

    sensory language

     talk to the reader

  • Q8

    How are sensory details used in this excerpt?

    Only the light swishing of my paddle, the drips of water tapping the lake when I cross the paddle from my left side to my right, a little plop when each time I dig the paddle into the water, and a slight suction sound when I pull it out for the next stroke. And all about me is ethereal silence until a handful of ducks skims across the water. Their noise is the flapping of heavy wings and the dragging of duck feet across the lake.

    The author details the different smells around him to show how uncomfortable he is.

    The author describes the sounds he hears to express the calmness he feels while on the river.

  • Q9
    True or False: Allied with Green is a memoir.
    True or False
  • Q10

    What universal themes are present in this passage?

    Nia didn’t mind at first. Being at her kids’ eye-level made life easier. Their odd stories and complaints became miraculously comprehensible. Playing dress-up with them was more fun too. She liked staggering around in her too-big red pumps and Issey Miyake suits, flapping the jacket’s long, empty arms until they fizzed with laughter. But shrinking became less amusing as the kids grew bigger, and she smaller. Some days, she had to stamp her tiny feet on their dinner plates to get noticed. Some days, she had to check her reflection in a teaspoon to make sure she was still there.





  • Q11

    Which theme statement below best matches the passage?

    There are bees trapped into the walls of an abandoned home. There are ghosts trapped in the attic, swaying to their hum. There are flies trapped on a glue strip, beating their wings in anger. There’s a girl in the kitchen, trying to release them. She pulls the flies’ transparent wings—they come off in her fingers. She kicks open the attic door—the ghosts fade to the corners. She takes a hammer to the drywall—bees thicken the air, swirling towards the attic, sticking in the glue. The girl reaches through the wall, touches her fingers to her lips.

    Honey is delicious.

    It can be difficult to rescue bees and flies.

    Different people understand problems in different ways.

    Sometimes by trying to help we make a problem worse.

  • Q12
    True or False: A theme statement is a complete sentence.
    True or False
  • Q13

    How would you describe the author's style in this passage?

    Nothing else mattered then. Going someplace or not. Arriving in New Orleans or shooting past and landing in Brazil. I didn't care about anything. The river kept me company and kept me satisfied. Nothing else mattered.

    The author’s word choice and complex language indicate a formal, poetic style.

    The author’s word choice and simple language indicate a casual, informal style.

  • Q14

    How would you describe the author's style in this passage?

    No singing, no thinking, no talking to myself. Just feeling. Watching the river, noticing the changes in color, seeing the way it rises and falls depending on the wind and on what lies on the river bed.

    The author uses sentence fragments, scattered through the text, to create a reflective, almost conversational style.

    The author uses complex sentences, connected to one another by conjunctions, to create a nostalgic, dreamy style.

  • Q15

    How would you describe the author's style in this passage? 

     Clouds rolled overhead in wild swirls like batter in a bowl.

    The author uses relatable similes that include comparisons to everyday things.

    The author uses layered metaphors to describe the clouds in a literary way.


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