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Executive branch of government

Quiz by Tysheka Pruett

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Who is the head of the executive branch of the government?
    The Judge
    The President
    The Mayor
    The Teacher
  • Q2
    What is the role of the executive branch of the government?
    Teaching laws
    Enforcing laws
    Making laws
    Interpreting laws
  • Q3
    Who appoints the members of the executive branch?
    The Senator
    The Mayor
    The President
    The Governor
  • Q4
    Which branch of government does the President belong to?
    Judicial branch
    Executive branch
    None of the above
    Legislative branch
  • Q5
    Who is the commander-in-chief of the military?
    The Governor
    The Secretary of Defense
    The President
    The General
  • Q6
    What is the main role of the executive branch?
    Making laws
    Judging laws
    Interpreting laws
    Enforcing laws
  • Q7
    Who is responsible for signing bills into law?
    The President
    The Secretary of State
    The Speaker of the House
    The Chief Justice
  • Q8
    What is the term limit for the President of the United States?
    1 term
    Unlimited terms
    2 terms
    3 terms
  • Q9
    Who assists the President in carrying out the duties of the executive branch?
    The Vice President
    The Secretary of State
    The Speaker of the House
    The Chief Justice
  • Q10
    How is the President of the United States elected?
    By voting
    By lottery
    By inheritance
    By appointment

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