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Explain that items can be compared using weight and mass

Quiz by Oak National Academy: KS1 Maths (2)

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    Are these sets the same or not the same?
    Question Image
    not the same
    the same
  • Q2
    Are these sets the same or not the same?
    Question Image
    the same
    not the same
  • Q3
    Which set has more counters?
    Question Image
    Set A
    Set B
    They have the same amount of counters.
  • Q4
    Which set has fewer counters?
    Question Image
    Set B
    Set A
    They have the same amount of counters.
  • Q5
    What does taller than mean?
    One object has travelled further than another.
    One object has a greater height than another.
  • Q6
    What does longer than mean?
    One object has travelled further than another.
    One object has a greater length than another.

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