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Extra Credit - Science

Quiz by Linda Brandt

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    Mia, Kayla, and Eli have all set up lemonade stands in their neighborhood. Each person started with the same amount of lemon juice and then added different amounts of sugar, as shown in the table below. What is the total weight of Mia's lemonade?
    Question Image
    200 grams
    230 grams
    210 grams
    220 grams
  • Q2
    Mia, Kayla, and Eli have all set up lemonade stands in their neighborhood. Each person started with the same amount of lemon juice and then added different amounts of sugar, as shown in the table below. What is the total weight of Kayla's lemonade?
    Question Image
    210 grams
    200 grams
    230 grams
    220 grams
  • Q3
    Mia, Kayla, and Eli have all set up lemonade stands in their neighborhood. Each person started with the same amount of lemon juice and then added different amounts of sugar, as shown in the table below. What is the total weight of Eli's lemonade?
    Question Image
    220 grams
    210 grams
    200 grams
    230 grams
  • Q4
    Sadly, Mia, Kayla, and Eli didn’t sell any lemonade. So they all decide that they will turn their lemonade into popsicles. All they do is take the lemonade they made the day before and freeze it. Choose True or False for each sentence below. Eli’s popsicles will taste sweeter than Mia’s popsicles or Kayla’s popsicles because there is more sugar in them.
  • Q5
    Sadly, Mia, Kayla, and Eli didn’t sell any lemonade. So they all decide that they will turn their lemonade into popsicles. All they do is take the lemonade they made the day before and freeze it. Choose True or False for each sentence below. Eli’s popsicles will weigh slightly more than Mia’s popsicles or Kayla’s popsicles because there is more sugar in them.
  • Q6
    Sadly, Mia, Kayla, and Eli didn’t sell any lemonade. So they all decide that they will turn their lemonade into popsicles. All they do is take the lemonade they made the day before and freeze it. Choose True or False for each sentence below. Eli’s, Mia’s, and Kayla’s popsicles will all be exactly the same.
  • Q7
    Laila empties her piggy bank and finds ten dull, brown pennies. Laila wants her pennies to look shiny, so she performs an experiment. First, she pours salt and vinegar into a container. Then, she adds the ten pennies and waits a few minutes. When she takes the pennies out of the salt and vinegar solution, they look shiny and new! If Laila weighs the salt and vinegar solution and the pennies after the experiment, what do you think she will find?
    The solution will weigh the same and the pennies will weigh less after the experiment.
    The solution will weigh less and the pennies will weigh more after the experiment.
    The solution will weigh more and the pennies will weigh less after the experiment.
    The solution will weigh the same and the pennies will weigh the same after the experiment.
  • Q8
    The graph below shows how much the salt and vinegar solution weighed before the experiment. It also shows how much the pennies weighed before the experiment. Laila weighs the pennies after the experiment and finds that they weigh 8 grams. If the pennies weighed 8 grams after the experiment, how much did the salt & vinegar solution weigh?
    Question Image
    17 grams
    15 grams
    22 grams
    19 grams
  • Q9
    7. Emi drops a cup of baking soda into a glass container that has vinegar at the bottom of it. Then, she quickly puts a balloon on top of the container. What do you predict will happen to the balloon?
    Question Image
    The balloon will stay the same because it will not become filled with anything.
    The balloon will get bigger because it will become filled with solid (baking soda) particles that are too small to be seen.
    The balloon will get bigger because it will become filled with liquid (vinegar) particles that are too small to be seen.
    The balloon will get bigger because it will become filled with gas particles that are too small to be seen.
  • Q10
    Priya needs some baking soda to bake a cake. She has three white powders (salt, baking soda, and baking powder) in her kitchen, but they don’t have labels. She knows that baking soda will bubble and fizz if mixed with vinegar, but not with water. Baking powder will bubble and fizz if mixed with vinegar. It also bubbles when mixed with water. Salt does not bubble with vinegar or water. Priya conducts the following two experiments in her kitchen. If Priya only looks at the results of the Vinegar Experiment, what can she figure out?
    Question Image
    Either A or C is the baking soda. B must be the salt.
    Priya can’t figure anything out if she only looks at the Vinegar Experiment.
    Either B or C is the baking soda. A must be the salt.
    Either A or B is the baking soda. C must be the salt.
  • Q11
    What word best describes what is labeled "a" in the picture ?
    Question Image
  • Q12
    What word best describes what is labeled "b" in the picture ?
    Question Image
  • Q13
    What word best describes what is labeled "c" in the picture ?
    Question Image
  • Q14
    What word best describes what is labeled "d" in the picture ?
    Question Image
  • Q15
    If the ocean stays the same temperature, but the air above the ocean changes to become very cold, what do you predict will most likely happen in Sara's yard?
    c. It would probably rain more in Sara’s yard because there will be more evaporation.
    a. It would probably rain less in Sara’s yard because there will be less evaporation.
    d. It would probably rain more in Sara’s yard because there will be more condensation.
    b. It would probably rain less in Sara’s yard because there will be less condensation.

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