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Facial Anatomy Part Deux

Quiz by Coral Brown-Taylor

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    How many layers of the skin are there?
  • Q2
    What is the name of the first layer of the skin?
    The Subcutaneous Layer
    The epidermis
  • Q3
    What is the function of the arrector pili muscle?
    To regulate heat in the body.
    To raise the temperature in the body.
  • Q4
    How does the arrector pili perform its function?
    It contracts to cool the body when sweating
    It expands to allow the body to cool down.
  • Q5
    What is the purpose of the sensory nerve endings?
    Provides us with pressure, pain, vibrations, temperature.
    Provides us with pressure, pain, touch, temperature.
  • Q6
    Which gland produces sebum?
    The sebaceous gland
    The sweat gland
  • Q7
    What does the E stand for as one of the functions of the skin?
    Extra sensory
  • Q8
    Where do messages from our bodies and faces get interpreted?
    Through the Limbic System
    Through the Nervous system
  • Q9
    What is the name of the muscle that covers the tops of our shoulders.
    The Triangular muscle.
    The Deltoid muscle.
  • Q10
    Where can the pectoralis muscle be found?
    The back of the chest
    The front of the chest
  • Q11
    Which muscle, found at the front of the body, moves the arm in towards the body?
    The pectoralis muscle
    The deltoid muscle
  • Q12
    Which muscle draws the head backwards so that the shoulders are raised up towards the ears?
    The trapezius
    The Platysma
  • Q13
    Which muscle muscle is found on the forehead? Yours does not move. Total RBF. Or Botox.
    The Occipitalis muscle
    The Frontalis muscle
  • Q14
    Which muscle on front of the face helps to raise the eyebrows in quel supris? You all do this when you get receive something unexpectedly.
    The Temporalis muscle
    The Frontalis muscle
  • Q15
    What is the name of the muscle draws the eyebrows together when frowning? You all do this when you hear something you do not agree with.
    The Corrugator muscle
    The Orbicularis muscle

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