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Family (simple present of BE and HAVE)

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  • Q1
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS Example: A: Tell me about your brother. How old _______ he? B: Thirty three Correct answer: is A: Tell me about your family. B: I __________ one brother.
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  • Q2
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS A: Tell me about your brother. B: He __________ an architect.
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  • Q3
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS A: Tell me about your sister. B: She __________ two children.
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  • Q4
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS Carlos and Fabiana have 3 children. They ________ so cute.
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  • Q5
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS A: How about your family? B: I __________ two brothers, Peter and Joel.
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  • Q6
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS A: What do your parents do? B: They __________ engineers.
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  • Q7
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS My mother ________ tall.
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  • Q8
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS My uncles __________ short.
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  • Q9
    Complete with the correct form of BE or HAVE - HAS A: What do you do? B: I __________ a teacher.
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