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Fever 1793 Chapters 17-21

Quiz by Jill

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    What do Matilda and her grandfather discover when they enter the coffeehouse for the first time upon their return?
    The community spruced it up.
    It has been robbed.
    They burned it down.
  • Q2
    What is Matilda relieved to find hidden under a stair?
    The painting Nathaniel sent to her before she left.
    Her cat, Silas.
    A strongbox where money was hidden.
  • Q3
    How often does Matilda usually bathe?
    Once a week
    Once a month
    Once a year
  • Q4
    How does Matilda's grandfather feel about leaving the house to find food after they return?
    He feels like the city is only safe for a man, and he won't let Matilda go.
    He feels like the city is only for a healthy person like Matilda.
    He feels like the city is unsafe for them both and wants to rummage for food in the garden first.
  • Q5
    What does Matilda plan to do at the end of each day?
    Make sure the house is clean
    Read the Bible
    Take a bath
  • Q6
    How does Matilda help her grandfather the night they are being robbed?
    She causes a commotion to distract the robber so her grandfather can get away.
    She takes her grandfather's sword and stabs the robber.
    She tells the robber where the money is hidden, and he stops hurting her grandfather.
  • Q7
    What are Matilda's grandfather's last words?
    Keep fighting
    Good work soldier
    Love you
  • Q8
    Why is it fitting that Matilda's grandfather be buried in his nightshirt?
    He died in the middle of the night, so it seemed right to let him be buried in what he was wearing.
    He always said death was the eternal sleep, so he should be buried in his nightshirt.
    He was most comfortable in his nightshirt, so he should be buried in it to really rest in peace.
  • Q9
    What item does Matilda bury with her grandfather?
    The sword he used while in the army.
    A portrait of her grandmother
    A Bible
  • Q10
    How does Matilda get the men to allow a prayer to be said before burying her grandfather?
    She begs and pleads and reminds them that they would have prayed if it were their family.
    She pushes one of the men and grabs him by his shirt to threaten him.
    She offers them a few potatoes from the garden so they will have something to eat.
  • Q11
    What does Matilda find when she goes to the market for food?
    Some of the farmers have ventured back, but the prices are too much for her to afford.
    The market has been turned into a hospital, and fever victims are everywhere.
    There is no food anywhere, only rats picking at scraps.
  • Q12
    Why does Matilda go to the newspaper printer?
    To place an obituary in for her grandfather.
    To place an ad to try and find her mother.
    To see if she can work there.
  • Q13
    Who is Nell?
    A little girl Matilda finds crying next to her dead mother.
    A poor woman who has just lost three of her children to the fever.
    A woman sick with fever who reminds Matilda of her mother.
  • Q14
    Why is Matilda searching for Reverend Allen's group?
    She is told they can help her find someone to care for Nell.
    She thinks that maybe they can officially bless her grandfather's grave.
    She thinks they will take her in and care for her now that she is alone.
  • Q15
    With whom does Matilda reunite?
    Her mother

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