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Final Exam

Quiz by Washington, Sandra E

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15 questions
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  • Q1

    What is Self-Advocacy?

    Convincing others to speak for me.�

    Speaking up for myself.

    Sitting quietly, not making waves!�

  • Q2

    When choosing my career,I should trust that my teachers, guidance counselors and family know what is best for me!�After all, I am just a kid!

    True or False
  • Q3

    When should you learn to self-advocate?

    It is good to wait until you are 21 to start learning to self-advocate.�

    It is a life-long process of learning as new situations arise.�

    There is never a right time to self-advocate; just trust that people know and respect you.�

    Self-advocacy never works so don't bother to learn it.�

  • Q4

    Match the following definitions with the correct words!

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  • Q5

    Often the most successful and famous people, such as Albert Einstein and Walt Disney, are the ones who...

    were just lucky

    were born with natural talents

    were born rich

    persevered despite meeting many obstacles in life

  • Q6

    Describe the positive feedback sandwich!�

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  • Q7

    Which of the following is not a benefit of providing constructive feedback?

    helping the learner know the areas of improvement needed

    making the learner aware of his/her personal strengths

    demoralizing or putting down a learner

  • Q8

    Provide constructive feedback for this scenario:� Your friend has asked your opinion on his new song he has just written.� The music is beautiful, but you think his lyrics (words) are awful.� They do not match the music at all.� In fact, they just don't make any sense.� What do you say to your friend?

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  • Q9

    Name at least 3 transferable work skills!�

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  • Q10

    Match the following examples to the correct soft skills!

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  • Q11

    What makes a great leader?

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  • Q12

    Nonverbal communication is often thought to convey a bigger message than spoken words.� �Think of the saying:� Actions Speak Louder than Words!� Give an example of how this may occur.�

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  • Q13

    Justice told his boss he would finish the inventory report by Friday. Following through on this is an example of which positive workplace skill?

    team work




  • Q14

    What is the first step in the decision-making process?

    evaluate the choices

    make a plan

    make a decision

    identify the problem

  • Q15

    What is the final step of the decision-making process?

    make a decision

    identify the problem

    evaluate choices

    make a plan


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