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Final Exam Review

Quiz by Shelly Brosey

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35 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the best way to shift a client's weight to the EOB when they require max A to transfer?
    use the bed sheet to pull the client across or up to the head of the bed
    shift weight of pelvis in alternating pattern, with client leaning towards the therapist
    avoid the transfer and request in bed treatments only
    use a transfer board
  • Q2
    What is a CMC grind test?
    Test for CMC OA at thumb (basal joint of first metacarpal against the trapezium)
    test for a cyst within the carpal bones at the wrist
    test for thumb tendinitis at the first dorsal compartment
    test for collateral ligagment instability at the metacarpal joint
  • Q3
    What is the test called that looks at median nerve compression at the wrist?
  • Q4
    How much weight can a client place on their lower extremity when the medical orders state PWB?
    above 75 %
    20-50 % of the client's weight
    10-20 %
  • Q5
    What is the best type of transfer for a client with 2/5 LE MMT and 1/5 UE MMT?
    stand pivot
    squat pivot transfer
    transfer board
    electronic lift
  • Q6
    What is the "norm" AROM for wrist RD?
    15 degrees
    25 degrees
    20 degrees
    30 degrees
  • Q7
    What is this pinch position called?
    Question Image
    3 point pinch
    2 point pinch
    lateral pinch
    tip to tip pinch
  • Q8
    What is the crease in the hand that it is important " to clear" when fabricating a hand based or wrist splint to allow for digital AROM?
    IP crease
    hypothenar crease
    distal palmar crease
    longitudinal crease
  • Q9
    What is the name of this ambulation device, and what is it used for?
    Question Image
    hemi-walker; useful when client has limited LE strength, needing wider BOS than standard cane, and only has use of one UE
    quad cane; useful for client with only one upper extremity with functional ability to grasp device
    standing walker; useful for clients with lower extremity weakness and bilateral UE weakness
    standard cane; useful for client with UE weakness and fair standing and functional device
  • Q10
    What are two indicators that a transfer board transfer is a good option to use with a client?
    good UE strength, weakened, de-innervated LE muscles, loss of LE, restrictions on WB for LE's
    fair UE strength, weak or deconditioned LE muscles
    fair UE strength, and loss of the LEs
    good UE strength, loss of the LEs
  • Q11
    Name two methods to use for hospital bed mobility to have the client "scoot in bed"
    rise on elbows, placing pressure on elbows to help lift pelvis; use handrails; use over the bed trapeze; place bed flat to ease movement in bed; shift weight in alternating fashion; bend knee(s) to assist in lifting pelvis
    roll in sidelying with head of bed elevated; use bedrails to help scoot across bed
    have client lean towards therapist, grasp gait belt and count 1, 2, 3, then assist client to standing position
    assist client to reposition self by placing feet on bed to perform bridge; use bed sheet or drawsheet to move client across bed
  • Q12
    How much assistance is provided by the therapist when a client needs maximum assistance for functional transfers?
    75 %
  • Q13
    What are the four main vital signs?
    heart rate; blood pressure; respiration rate; temperature
    heart rate; oxygen saturation; pulse rate; respiration rate
    heart rate; pulse rate; blood pressure; respiration rate
    heart rate; blood pressure; oxygen level; temperature
  • Q14
    What is the definition of "draping"?
    covering a client appropriately during therapeutic intervention
    using a curtain to provide privacy between roommates in hospital room
    giving a client privacy during toileting
    preparing a clean working environment on the table when changing surgical bandages
  • Q15
    During long-term positioning, you are using the OT approach of "prevention", Name three potential problems you are "preventing" through positioning efforts
    edema, joint contracture, pressure injury
    pressure injury; bedsores; weakness
    inability to use the extremity; edema; muscle weakness
    edema; poor positioning; joint contracture

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