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Final Exam Review - Fall Semester

Quiz by Amanda Phillips

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42 questions
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  • Q1
    Along which line of latitude are rainforests typically located?
    The Arctic Circle
    The International Date Line
    The Prime Meridian
    The Equator
  • Q2
    The Columbian Exchange resulted in a decrease in population of Native Americans due to the introduction of...
    invasive species
  • Q3
    Why do most areas near the equator have warm climates?
    The Sun is directly over the equator at noon year-round.
    They receive equal amounts of daylight hours and nighttime hours.
    Their surfaces reflect the greatest amound of sunlight.
    They receive the most direct rays from the sun.
  • Q4
    Plant roots can grow into crevices in rock and evenutally break the rock apart. This is an example of...
    the bioshpere affecting the lithosphere through mechanical weathering
    the atmosphere affecting the hydroshpere through chemical weathering
    the lithosphere affecting the atmosphere through erosion
    the hydropsphere affecting the biosphere through tectnoic activity
  • Q5
    The United States and Canada share a continent. Which factor best explains why these neighboring countries have different climates?
    proximity to large bodies of water
    prevailing winds
  • Q6
    Sediments deposited at the mouth of a river form a...
    deep bay
    tall, flat butte
    fan-shaped delta
    narrow strait
  • Q7
    Which set of factors most likely corresponds to a country that is classified as more developed?
    literacy rate = low ; life expectancy = high
    life expectancy = low ; infant mortality rate = high
    life expectancy=high ; infant mortalitly rate = low
    literacy rate = high ; infant mortality rate = high
  • Q8
    A family moves from a rural village to a nearby city in search of a better life and well-paying jobs. How would you classify their reason for moving?
    a push factor motivated by politics
    a pull factor motivated by economics
    a push factor motivated by social concerns
    a pull factor motivated by environmental issues
  • Q9
    A geographer places the U.S. in a formal region based on continental area and cultural styles. This formal region would also include...
    Southwest Asia
    Latin America
  • Q10
    Which of the following is an example of a functional region?
    an area with characteristics that are perceived by people in the same way
    a city and its interconnected suburbs
    a desert with a hot climate
    a part of the country characterized by tall grasses
  • Q11
    Who owns most of the resources, technology, and businesses in a free enterprise system?
    local government
    federal government
    nonprofit organizations
    private individuals
  • Q12
    How does subsistance agriculture compare to commercial agriculture?
    Subsistence agricullture generally affects a very large area, whereas commercial agriculture affects a local area
    In subsistence agriculture, little food is left over to sell to others. In commercial agriculture, crops are grown to be sold to others.
    Subsistence agriculture is usually associated with capitalist systems and commercial agriculture is usually associated with communist systems.
    Technology plays a larger role in subsistence agriculture than in commercial agriculture.
  • Q13
    The more developed an economy is, the...
    less likely it is to be associated with a more developed nation
    more focused it will be on one particular type of economic activity
    less likely it is to gather and use raw materials
    greater the number and variety of economic activities it will have
  • Q14
    A less developed country is taking the first steps toward industrialization. It is building factories that will be used to manufacture appliances. The country is moving into...
    tertiary activities
    quaternary activities
    primary activities
    secondary activities
  • Q15
    A subsistence farmer in the Amazon River basin in Brazil practices slash-and-burn farming. Where is he most likely to locate his crops?
    near the forest for easy access to newly cleared land
    near a city for easy access to equipment
    near his home for easy access to his fields
    near a road for easy access to markets

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