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Quiz by Georges Ryssen

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58 questions
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  • Q1
    git init
    Initialize a local Git repository
    Pull changes from remote repository
    Clone a remote branch and switch to it
    Set a name that is identifiable for credit when review version history
  • Q2
    git clone [URL]
    Create a local copy of a remote repository
    Discard changes to a file
    Add a file to the staging area
    Show all commit logs with indication of any paths that moved
  • Q3
    git config --global “[firstname lastname]”
    System wide ignore pattern for all local repositories
    Set a name that is identifiable for credit when review version history
    Remove a file (or folder)
    Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch)
  • Q4
    git config --global “[email]”
    Rename a local branch
    Diff of what is changed but not staged
    Clear staging area, rewrite working tree from specified commit
    Set an email address that will be associated with each history marker
  • Q5
    git config --global color.ui auto
    Initialize a local Git repository
    List branches (the asterisk denotes the current branch)
    Merge a remote branch into your current branch to bring it up to date
    Set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing
  • Q6
    git config --global core.excludesfile [file]
    System wide ignore pattern for all local repositories
    View changes (detailed)
    List all branches (local and remote)
    Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch)
  • Q7
    git clone [ssh]
    List branches (the asterisk denotes the current branch)
    Remove all stashed entries
    Set a repository's origin branch to SSH
    Create a local copy of a remote repository
  • Q8
    git status
    Commit changes
    Add a remote repository
    Check status
    add a git URL as an alias
  • Q9
    git add [file]
    Create a local copy of a remote repository
    Set an email address that will be associated with each history marker
    Initialize a local Git repository
    Add a file to the staging area
  • Q10
    git add -A
    Discard changes to a file
    Add all new and changed files to the staging area
    Check status
    Merge a branch into the active branch
  • Q11
    git commit -m "[message]"
    Show the commits that changed file, even across renames
    Write working from top of stash stack
    Commit changes
    Set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing
  • Q12
    git reset [file]
    add a git URL as an alias
    Unstage a file while retaining the changes in working directory
    Diff of what is changed but not staged
    Push changes to remote repository (remembered branch)
  • Q13
    git mv [existing-path] [new-path]
    Change an existing file path and stage the move
    Discard changes to a file
    Pull changes from remote repository
    Clone a remote branch and switch to it
  • Q14
    git rm [file]
    Delete the file from project and stage the removal for commit
    Create a new branch
    View changes
    Create a new branch and switch to it
  • Q15
    git rm -r [file]
    Create a local copy of a remote repository
    Remove a file (or folder)
    Fetch down all the branches from that Git remote
    Merge branch A into branch B

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