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Flowers of Algernon_ Textual Evidence

Quiz by Tanveer Mir

Grade 8
English Language Arts
Common Core

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    1. What is the point of view of "Flowers for Algernon"?
    first person, from Charlie's point of view
    third person, telling the thoughts of Charlie and Miss Kinnian
    first-person, Doctor Strauss' point of view
    third person, includes thoughts of all characters
  • Q2
    2. What writing format does the story take or use?
    diary entries by Miss Kinnian
    progress reports by Charlie
    medical reports by the doctors
    job reports by Charlie's boss
  • Q3
    3. Before the operation, how does Charlie feel about it?
    He is terrified.
    He is happy and excited.
    He is angry.
    He does not care.
  • Q4
    4. What can you infer from the details about Charlie at the start of "Flowers for Algernon"?
    He sees and hears things that are not there.
    He has below-normal intelligence.
    He cannot hold down a job and support himself
    He cannot control his temper.
  • Q5
    5. How does Charlie discover that the effects of his operation will not last?
    He sees changes in Algernon
    He overhears the doctor.
    He sees changes in himself.
    Miss Kinnian tells him.

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