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Focus Period Art

Quiz by Mike Eaton

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  • Q1
    -A regional style of art from the valley of the Meuse in present-day Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.
    Mosan Art
  • Q2
    See image
    -Generally refers to Romanesque art, with Mosan Romanesque architecture, stone carving, metalwork, enamelling and manuscript illumination reaching a high level of development during the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries.
  • Q3
    ______________________ is an approach to decoration found from China to Northern Europe in the early Iron Age, and the barbarian art of the Migration Period, characterized by its emphasis on animal motifs.
    Animal style art
  • Q4
    Any of the visual arts associated with the Greek- and Egyptian-speaking Christian peoples of Egypt from about the 3rd to the 12th century AD. It is essentially reflected in the stone reliefs, wood carvings, and wall paintings of the monasteries of Egypt.
    Coptic Art
  • Q5
    -Is generally associated with ornamental artistry that is comprised of repetitive patterns, spirals, knots, foliage, and animal forms.
    Celtic Art
  • Q6
    See image
    -Its designs often show axial symmetry.
  • Q7
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    -Often, functional objects like belt hooks or wine vessels were the mediums for this type of decorative work.
  • Q8
    -This art survives in manuscripts, sculpture, architecture and other religious artifacts produced during the period 780-900.
    Carolingian Art
  • Q9
    See image
    -These artists worked exclusively for the emperor, members of his court, and the bishops and abbots associated with the court.
  • Q10
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    -Geographically, the revival extended through present-day France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. -Unlike the flat, two-dimensional work of Early Christian and Early Byzantine artists, these artists sought to restore the third dimension.
  • Q11
    ____________________ was a French Romanesque sculptor, whose decoration of the Cathedral of Saint Lazare in France - consisting of numerous doorways, tympanums and capitals - represents some of the most original work of the period.
    Gislebertus of Autun
  • Q12
    See image
    Among the best known works attributed to him are a bronze aquamanile reliquary of St. Alexander (c. 1145) and two enamel plaques showing the baptism of Christ and the Crucifixion.
  • Q13
    -The greatest enamelist and goldsmith of his day and an important figure in the transition from late Romanesque to early Gothic style. The altarpiece (1181) of the Abbey Church of Klosterneuburg, Austria, is his best known work.
    Nicholas Of Verdun
  • Q14
    A well known Italian Renaissance artist, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, and scientist. Known for the Mona Lisa.
    Leonardo da Vinci
  • Q15
    (1386-1466) Sculptor. Probably exerted greatest influence of any Florentine artist before Michelangelo. Known for his statue of the prophet Habbakuk nicknamed "Zuccone", and the bronze statue David.

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