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Form superlatives. complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives

Quiz by Alessandro

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    Sarah (busy) _______ Mary.
    is busier from
    is busier than
    is busier like
    is busier as
  • Q2
    The sun (hot) _______ the earth.
    is hotter like
    is hotter as
    is hotter from
    is hotter than
  • Q3
    The earth (large) _______ the moon.
    is larger from
    is larger like
    is larger as
    is larger than
  • Q4
    Elephants (big) _______ horses.
    are bigger than
    are bigger from
    are bigger like
    are bigger as
  • Q5
    Action movies (exciting) _______ comedies.
    are more exciting as
    are more exciting from
    are more exciting like
    are more exciting than
  • Q6
    Lions (dangerous) _______ rabbits.
    are more dangerous as
    are more dangerous like
    are more dangerous than
    are more dangerous from
  • Q7
    Cars (fast) _______ bicycles.
    are faster as
    are faster like
    are faster from
    are faster than
  • Q8
    I think weekends (nice) _______ weekdays.
    are nicer than
    are nicer like
    are nicer as
    are nicer from
  • Q9
    Salads (healthy) _______ hamburgers.
    are healthier like
    are healthier from
    are healthier as
    are healthier than

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