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Formal and Informal Speech

Quiz by No�mie Benoit

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is an example of formal speech?
    Hi there, what can I do for you today?
    Hey dude, what's up?
    Yo, Johnson! What do you want?
    Good morning, Mr. Johnson. How may I assist you today?
  • Q2
    Which of the following is an example of informal speech?
    Could you please pass me that pen?
    Excuse me, may I kindly request you to hand me that pen?
    Pardon me, but would you mind passing me that pen?
    Hey, could you pass me that pen?
  • Q3
    What is an example of formal speech?
    Giving a presentation at a conference
    Texting your coworker about a project
    Chatting with friends at a cafe
    Talking to your family at home
  • Q4
    Which of the following is an example of informal speech?
    Texting your friend about weekend plans
    Delivering a speech at a business meeting
    Giving a lecture to students
    Discussing research findings with colleagues
  • Q5
    Which of the following is an example of formal speech?
    Sending an email to colleagues
    Having a phone conversation with a client
    Delivering a keynote address at a corporate event
    Chatting with coworkers at the office pantry
  • Q6
    When is it appropriate to use formal speech?
    When talking to close friends
    When texting a coworker
    When attending a casual gathering
    During a job interview
  • Q7
    In which situation is formal speech typically used?
    Giving a business pitch to investors
    Chatting with family members at home
    Texting a friend to make plans
    Engaging in small talk with acquaintances
  • Q8
    When is it appropriate to use informal speech?
    Participating in a formal meeting
    Chatting with friends at a social gathering
    Giving a business presentation to clients
    Engaging in a professional interview

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