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Foundations: Week 3 End-of-Week

Quiz by Training Team Enterprise

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    Brian with Millennium Shipping realizes that he paid an employee in error on a recent check date. The employee was paid via direct deposit. How many business days after the check date can we void a check and attempt to pull the funds back from the employee's bank account?

    5 days

    14 days

    7 days

    10 days

  • Q2

    If a Readychex check needs to be voided, what form can be used to confirm if the check has been cashed yet or not before an affidavit is requested from the employee and the correction processed within the Core Advanced or Paychex Flex systems?





  • Q3

    An employee lost their live check, and it was a Readychex check. While speaking with the payroll contact about their options, they have decided the best option is to void and reissue the check because the payroll contact does not have the ability to write checks in-house. You have already confirmed that the Readychex check has not yet been cashed. Which form needs to be completed by the employee and returned to Paychex by the payroll contact? 





  • Q4

    When voiding a check in Core Advanced, there are two ways for you to select the check that you want to void. Sort the following options into either True that it is an option or False that it is not an option. 

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  • Q5

    When a client is voiding a check in the Paychex Flex system, what is the order in which they choose the following information: Check Date Options, Employee Name/ID, Check?

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  • Q6

    What tool can be used to find information about different types of garnishments?

    Garnishment Transaction Summary

    TARG and TASC


    Garnishment Reference Guide

  • Q7

    When entering a garnishment, it is recommended to search for the garnishment agency using which piece of information?

    Zip Code

    Agency Code

    City and State

    Agency Name

  • Q8

    What is the priority of garnishments when an employee has multiple garnishment orders, assuming an employee has not filed for bankruptcy? Sort the following garnishment types into whether they receive first priority to second priority. Keep in mind that we are speaking in general terms as this can vary by state. Use your Garnishment Reference Guide | General Information to find assistance with this as needed.

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  • Q9

    There are 3 set-up options for garnishments in our systems. Which of the following is NOT an option for garnishments?

    Garnishment Payment Service

    Direct Deposit

    Agency and Vendor Checks

    Simple Deductions

  • Q10

    Clients can set up new garnishment codes in Paychex Flex if they need to set up multiple deductions on an employee and don't have enough deduction codes to fit their needs. True or False?

    True or False

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