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French Revolution

Quiz by Adam Washam

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40 questions
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  • Q1
    On May 20th, 1789 members of the Estates-General who were for the Third Estate gathered together on a tennis court outside the Palace of Versailles in protest. The rally which had an estimated 600 in attendance vowed no to leave the court until a constitution was granted for the people of France. The main event that sparked the French Revolution
    Tennis Court Oath
  • Q2
    On July 14th, 1789 a mob of 800 members of the Third Estate stormed the Bastille in hopes to find guns and amunition that would fuel the Natinol Assymblies army. When members arrived at the Bastille all the guards present were killed and 7 prisoners were freed. Only some weapons were found which wasn't enough to supply the National Assymblies army. The Bastille was destroyed by the citizens of France who handpicked every brick
    Storming of the Bastille
  • Q3
    Meaning "No Knee britches", they were the working class during the revolution. They refused to wear the pants the higher classes wore, and took parts in many riots like the Storming of the Bastille.
    Sans Culottes
  • Q4
    A political group that spawned off of the Jacobins, they got their name for the area of Gironde. They were less radical than The Mountain.
  • Q5
    The more radical members of the Jacobins, they wanted a lot of change. Led by Maximilien Robespierre. Got their name from the high chairs they sat in during the Jacobins meetings.
    The Mountain
  • Q6
    This document forced the clergy to swear its loyalty to the new government, making it no longer separate of the state.
    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
  • Q7
    The King and Queen decided to attempt to flee the country. They disguised themselves as peasants in order to flee, but were a few miles from the French border when they got caught, arrested, and sent back to Paris.
    Flight to Varennes
  • Q8
    Created by the National Assembly, similar to the Declaration of Independence, explains that people should have freedom and outlines democracy and equality
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
  • Q9
    Establishment of the National Assembly, retained monarchy
    Constitution of 1791
  • Q10
    Emperor Leopold II, Marie-Anoinette's brother, of Austria (Holy Roman Empire) and Frederick William II of Prussia declared their support for Louis XIV and the monarchy. This led the National Assembly to declare war on Austria.
    Declaration of Pilnitz
  • Q11
    Nobles who fled France that worked with the outside powers to stop the revolution
  • Q12
    Red, white, and blue flag of the revolution
  • Q13
    Third government in the French revolution, put the king on trial
    The Convention
  • Q14
    A group of revolutionists formed by the third estate that lead the revolution and then the government.
    The National Assembly
  • Q15
    French citizens were scared that prisoners would be freed by enemies of the revolution, so they killed them (inspired by Jean Paul Marat).
    September Massacres

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