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from the Odyssey - Part 1 - QUIZ 1

Quiz by Jose Contreras Lino

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    What danger do the Lotus-Eaters pose to Odysseus’ men in the excerpt from the Odyssey, Part 1?

    The Lotus-Eaters offer the men the Lotus plant, which causes them to lose interest in returning home.

    The Lotus-Eaters deliberately cause the winds to subside.

    The Lotus-Eaters are dishonest and try to mislead the crew about the route home.

    Familiarity with the Lotus-Eaters is dangerous because they are cannibals.

  • Q2

    In the excerpt from the Odyssey, Part 1, what quality for which Odysseus is famous is most clearly illustrated when he tells Cyclops that his name is Nohbdy?

    He is trained for battle.

    He is clever.

    He is an effective leader.

    He is courageous.

  • Q3

    In the excerpt from the Odyssey, Part 1, why does Odysseus blind Cyclops rather than kill him in his sleep?

    Odysseus’ heart is moved by compassion for the foolish Cyclops.

    Odysseus and his men need Cyclops to move the stone that blocks the cave’s entrance.

    Odysseus’ men convince him that Poseidon will curse them if they kill any of the Cyclopes.

    Odysseus and his men lack the physical strength to kill the giant.

  • Q4

    In which of these episodes from the excerpt from the Odyssey, Part 1, does Odysseus lose all his men?

    “The Sirens”

    “The Cyclops”

    “The Lotus-Eaters”

    “The Cattle of the Sun God”

  • Q5

    At the end of the episode with Cyclops in the excerpt from the Odyssey, Part 1, what does Polyphemus do that affects future events in the epic?

    He destroys Odysseus’ ship.

    He prophesies that Odysseus will visit Hades.

    He tells Odysseus that he will chase him back to Ithaca.

    He begs his father, Poseidon, to curse Odysseus.


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