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Fundamental Week2. D-03

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    to waste, to spend carelessly / 낭비하다, 낭비
    a previous action, situation, or decision that can be used as a reason or example for a similar action or decision at a later time / 선례 / 앞서는
    unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings / 과묵한, 말이 적은 / 입이 무거운
    not having a strong taste or character, or having no interest or energy / 풍미가 없는, 재미없는
  • Q2
    strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way / 괴짜인, 기이한
    to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear / 식별하다
    a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting / 의제, 안건
    extremely small / 미소한, 극미량
  • Q3
    to completely satisfy yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure, so that you could not have any more / (식욕 등을) 실컷 만족시키다, 물릴[질릴] 정도로 주다
    to very much respect and admire someone or something / 존경하다
    (of a container) so tightly closed that no air can leave or enter / 밀폐된, 은둔하는
    perfect, without fault / 나무랄 데 없는, 완벽한
  • Q4
    to organize and perform a particular activity / 수행하다, 행동하다 / 행위
    friendly and making you feel happy and welcome / 친목적인, 연회의
    extremely great in ability, amount, or strength / 굉장한, 거대한, 막대한
    something that you say or do that shows you do not respect God or a religion / 신성 모독
  • Q5
    to look at or through something to see what is there / 검색하다, 대강 읽어 보다
    careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret / 신중한, 조심스러운, 작은
    (of behavior) extremely bad or unacceptable / 비난받을 만한
    a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past / 향수병
  • Q6
    not telling the truth / 허위의, 거짓말을 하는, 거짓의
    not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control / 소극적인,수동적인
    to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true / 암시하다, 넌지시 비치다
    quiet and easy to influence, persuade, or control / 다루기 쉬운
  • Q7
    causing so much emotion, especially pleasure, that it cannot be described / 말로 표현할 수 없는 / 형언할 수 없는
    unlucky and usually unhappy / 불행한, 불운한
    to reduce or be reduced in size or importance / 줄이다, 약화시키다
    praise and approval / 찬사, 수상
  • Q8
    able to work as intended or able to succeed / 실행 가능한
    (especially of a word, phrase, etc.) unnecessary because it is more than is needed / 여분의, 장황한, 과다한
    changing suddenly and often / 변덕스러운
    dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part / 전체론의
  • Q9
    a very small living thing, especially one that causes disease, that can only be seen with a microscope / 미생물 / 세균
    to prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong / ~의 정당성을 입증하다, ~을 변호하다
    especially of a disease or a condition, regularly found and very common among a particular group or in a particular area / 풍토병, 지방병
    to cause trouble to develop / 유발하다, ~을 조장하다
  • Q10
    to use something or someone, especially in an effective way / 배치하다
    able to produce a lot of crops, fruit, babies, young animals, etc / 다산의, 기름진, 비옥한
    feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder / 현실에 안주하는, 자기만족의
    to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it / 늘리다, 증가시키다
  • Q11
    willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion / 순종하는, 복종할 의무가 있는, 제재를 받는
    to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you / 탐닉하다, 충족시키다
    not directly connected with or related to something / 관련 없는, 이질적인
    having a lower or less important position / 하위의, 부차적인
  • Q12
    the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal / 음모, 모의
    for the present time but likely to change / 임시의, 잠정적인
    to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something / 무죄임을 밝혀 주다
    giving too much attention to formal rules or small details / 현학적인, 아는 체하는, 세세한 것에 얽매이는
  • Q13
    a belief opposed to the official belief of a church and that is considered wrong, or the condition of having such beliefs / 이단, 이교
    to destroy or badly damage something / 난파선, 잔해 / 파괴하다
    artificial and difficult to believe / 부자연스러운, 윈위적인
    demanding that people obey completely, without asking or caring about anyone else's opinions / 독재적인
  • Q14
    (of weather conditions) neither very hot nor very cold / 온화한, 절제된
    speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people / 미사여구, 수사법
    (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects / 과감한, 극단적인
    an example of dishonest and illegal behavior / 부정행위, 위법 행위
  • Q15
    to raise someone to a higher rank or more powerful position / 승격 시키다, 칭찬하다
    understood without being expressed directly / 암묵적인
    to allow someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a hospital or a law court / 해고하다, 방출하다, 방면하다 / 해고, 방출, 면제
    angry because of something that is wrong or not fair / 분개한

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